
Caroline Turpin

Supervisor at Carrefour

Caroline Turpin Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(705) ***-****

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About Caroline Turpin

Caroline Turpin is a Supervisor at Carrefour based in Sudbury, Ontario.Explore more

Caroline Turpin Current Workplace


2023-present (1 year)

After many years of success, La Slague went dormant, and then reappeared for a time in the mid-1980s as a community-based volunteer organization . With La Slague's renaissance in 2006 as part of the Carrefour francophone, a third generation of concert promotion activities was afoot. We are currently developing a virtual exhibition to tell the story of La Slague from the 1960s to today. Some parts of this long and storied history are not well known, so we would appreciate your help if you attended past concerts as a spectator, journalist, artist, organizer or manager. No anecdotes are too short, no memories are too insignificant; every bit and piece can help. If you experienced La Slague's events at any time from the 1960s to today, we would love to hear from you! Don't hesitate to drop us a line at info@carrefour.ca . We are also looking for any physical traces left by La Slague: photos, ticket stubs, event poster, invitations and correspondence. Please rummage through your old storageSee more

Org Chart - Carrefour






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Caroline Turpin

What company does Caroline Turpin work for?
Caroline Turpin works for Carrefour as Supervisor
What is Caroline Turpin’s role in Carrefour?
Caroline Turpin’s role in Carrefour is Supervisor
What is Caroline Turpin’s email address?
Caroline Turpin’s email address is c***@carrefour.ca
What is Caroline Turpin’s business email address?
Caroline Turpin’s business email address is c***@carrefour.ca
What is Caroline Turpin’s direct phone number?
Caroline Turpin’s direct phone number is (705) ***-****
What is Caroline Turpin’s work phone number?
Caroline Turpin’s headquarters phone number is (705) 675-6493
Which industry does Caroline Turpin work in?
Caroline Turpin works in the industry of Advertising & Marketing, Business Services.
Who are Caroline Turpin’s peers at other companies?
Caroline Turpin’s peers at other companies are Kari Urvina, Samantha Candela, Kimberly Martin, Bob Stauf, Samuel Reddy.
Who are Caroline Turpin’s colleagues?
Some of Caroline Turpin’s colleagues are Natalie Singer, Lise Paquette, Elsie Ekoto, Janelle Dutrisac.
How can I contact Caroline Turpin?
Caroline Turpin contact details: Email address: c***@carrefour.ca Phone number: (705) ***-****
Who is Caroline Turpin?

Caroline Turpin is a Supervisor at Carrefour based in Sudbury, Ontario.... Read More

Where is Caroline Turpin based?
Caroline Turpin works for Carrefour, located at Canada
See more information about Caroline Turpin

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