
Carole Autenzio

Project Manager at CSX

Carole Autenzio Email & Phone number

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(904) ***-****

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Carole Autenzio Work Experience Summary

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About Carole Autenzio

Carole Autenzio is a Project Manager at CSX based in Jacksonville, Florida.Explore more

Carole Autenzio Current Workplace


2007-present (18 years)

CSX Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, provides rail-based transportation services in the United States and Canada. The company offers rail services, as well as transports intermodal containers and trailers. It transports agricultural products, phosphates and fertilizers, food and consumer products, chemicals, automotive products, metals, forest products, minerals, and waste and equipment; and coal, coke, and iron ore to electricity-generating power plants, steel manufacturers, and industrial plants. The company also exports coal to deep-water port facilities. In addition, it offers intermodal transportation services through a network of approximately 50 terminals transporting manufactured consumer goods in containers in the eastern United States; drayage services, including the pickup and delivery of intermodal shipments; and trucking dispatch services. Further, the company serves the automotive industry with distribution centers and storage locations, as well as connects noSee more

Carole Autenzio Work Experience & Education

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Board Memberships & Affiliations

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Org Chart - CSX


Project Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Carole Autenzio

What company does Carole Autenzio work for?
Carole Autenzio works for CSX as Project Manager
What is Carole Autenzio’s role in CSX?
Carole Autenzio’s role in CSX is Project Manager
What is Carole Autenzio’s email address?
Carole Autenzio’s email address is c***@csx.com
What is Carole Autenzio’s business email address?
Carole Autenzio’s business email address is c***@csx.com
What is Carole Autenzio’s direct phone number?
Carole Autenzio’s direct phone number is (904) ***-****
What is Carole Autenzio’s work phone number?
Carole Autenzio’s headquarters phone number is (904) 359-3200
Which industry does Carole Autenzio work in?
Carole Autenzio works in the industry of Rail, Bus & Taxi, Transportation.
Who are Carole Autenzio’s peers at other companies?
Carole Autenzio’s peers at other companies are Richard Berry, Antoinette Ford, Austin Lyman, Carolyn Ruiz, Brian Doherty.
Who are Carole Autenzio’s colleagues?
Some of Carole Autenzio’s colleagues are Curtis Shogren, Jefferson Williams, Ceceille Poole, Cheyenne Young.
How can I contact Carole Autenzio?
Carole Autenzio contact details: Email address: c***@csx.com Phone number: (904) ***-****
Who is Carole Autenzio?

Carole Autenzio is a Project Manager at CSX based in Jacksonville, Florida.... Read More

Where is Carole Autenzio based?
Carole Autenzio works for CSX, located at United States
See more information about Carole Autenzio

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