Carol Fowler

Director, Personnel Services at Archdiocese of Chicago

Carol Fowler Email & Phone number


(312) ***-****

Carol Fowler Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Carol Fowler Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Carol Fowler

Carol Fowler is a Director, Personnel Services at Archdiocese of Chicago based in Chicago, Illinois. Carol received a bachelor's degree degree from Michigan State University and a M. A. from Adler School of Professional Psychology.

Carol Fowler Current Workplace

Archdiocese of Chicago

2024-present (5 months)

The Archdiocese of Chicago serves approximately 2 million Catholics in Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois. It operates 216 parishes, numerous schools, and charitable organizations under the leadership of Cardinal Blase J. Cupich. Founded in 1843, it is one of the largest dioceses in the United States, providing religious services, education, and community outreach.

Carol Fowler Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



bachelor's degree

Michigan State University

M. A. - Counseling Psychology

Adler School of Professional Psychology

Doctor of Ministry degree

St. Mary's Seminary and University

Org Chart - Archdiocese of Chicago

Carol Fowler

Director, Personnel Services

Recent News About Carol Fowler

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Carol Fowler

What company does Carol Fowler work for?
Carol Fowler works for Archdiocese of Chicago as Director, Personnel Services
What is Carol Fowler’s role in Archdiocese of Chicago?
Carol Fowler’s role in Archdiocese of Chicago is Director, Personnel Services
What is Carol Fowler’s direct phone number?
Carol Fowler’s direct phone number is (312) ***-****
What is Carol Fowler’s work phone number?
Carol Fowler’s headquarters phone number is (312) 534-8200
What is Carol Fowler’s latest education?
Carol Fowler’s latest education in bachelor's degree at Michigan State University
Which industry does Carol Fowler work in?
Carol Fowler works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Carol Fowler’s peers at other companies?
Carol Fowler’s peers at other companies are Rick Tank.
Who are Carol Fowler’s colleagues?
Some of Carol Fowler’s colleagues are Rebecca Zaragoza, Renee Beemsterboer, Lupe Hernandez, Gina Beguhn-Madeska.
Who is Carol Fowler?

Carol Fowler is a Director, Personnel Services at Archdiocese of Chicago based in Chicago, Illinois. Carol received a bachelor's degree degree from Michigan State University and a M. A. from Adler School of Professional Psychology....

Where is Carol Fowler based?
Carol Fowler works for Archdiocese of Chicago, located at United States