Carlita Warren

Diagnostic Medical Sonographer at Fitzgibbon Hospital

Carlita Warren Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Carlita Warren

Carlita Warren is a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer at Fitzgibbon Hospital based in Marshall, Missouri.Explore more

Carlita Warren Current Workplace

Fitzgibbon Hospital

2023-present (2 years)

Fitzgibbon Hospital is one of only a dozen Missouri hospitals recently recognized as HealthCare's "Most Wired" Hospitals for 2016. The recognition was announced in July 2016 Chicago at the American Hospital Association's Health Forum. Fitzgibbon Hospital staff have implemented more than 100 projects over the course of four years to earn the designation. These projects have included migration from paper to an electronic health record, implementation of a patient portal which patients can access online, upgrades to software and services, network security, bedside medication reconciliation, compliance with patient privacy standards and installation of a hospital-wide wireless network for patients and visitors. Fitzgibbon Hospital is one of only 12 hospitals in the state to earn the "Most Wired" recognition. Other hospitals included the University of Missouri Healthcare system in Columbia, Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, Mosaic Life Care in SSee more

Org Chart - Fitzgibbon Hospital


Diagnostic Medical Sonographer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Carlita Warren

What company does Carlita Warren work for?
Carlita Warren works for Fitzgibbon Hospital as Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
What is Carlita Warren’s role in Fitzgibbon Hospital?
Carlita Warren’s role in Fitzgibbon Hospital is Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
What is Carlita Warren’s email address?
Carlita Warren’s email address is c***
What is Carlita Warren’s business email address?
Carlita Warren’s business email address is c***
What is Carlita Warren’s direct phone number?
Carlita Warren’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Carlita Warren’s work phone number?
Carlita Warren’s headquarters phone number is (660) 886-7800
Which industry does Carlita Warren work in?
Carlita Warren works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Carlita Warren’s peers at other companies?
Carlita Warren’s peers at other companies are Anne Combs, Nicki Chin, Opeyemi-Abodunrin Opilala, Emily Monroe, Abigail Barzd.
Who are Carlita Warren’s colleagues?
Some of Carlita Warren’s colleagues are Ann Murphy, Ginger McGraw, Sheri Malone, Tamara Curry.
How can I contact Carlita Warren?
Carlita Warren contact details: Email address: c*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Carlita Warren?

Carlita Warren is a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer at Fitzgibbon Hospital based in Marshall, Missouri.... Read More

Where is Carlita Warren based?
Carlita Warren works for Fitzgibbon Hospital, located at United States
See more information about Carlita Warren

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