Carl Gan

Sales Manager at DTW Group

Carl Gan Email & Phone number

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+86 ** **** ****

Carl Gan Current Workplace


DTW Group


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Carl Gan

Carl Gan is a Sales Manager at DTW Group based in Beijing, Beijing.Explore more

Carl Gan Current Workplace

DTW Group

2019-present (6 years)

It is a member of IATA. It was listed as one of the specific-state supported logistics companies in 2001 by the State Economic and Trade Committee in China. The DTW Group is headquartered in Beijing and currently operates 33 integrated logistics distribution centers, 23 international freight forwarding stations, 7 bonded warehouses, 114 network hubs. Through this network DTW Group is present in all major cities and economic regions in China where it can provide outstanding services for domestic transportation, international freight forwarding, warehousing and contract logistics services. In 2007, after the acquisition by FedEx of the domestic courier network of DTW, DTW Group drafted "6-year 3 steps" development strategy aimed at DTW becoming a world class China based integrated logistics solution provider to lead the development of modern logistics practices in China. As part of this new strategy the DTW Group is developing an IT platform that will enable the provision of modern logisSee more

Org Chart - DTW Group


Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Carl Gan

What company does Carl Gan work for?
Carl Gan works for DTW Group as Sales Manager
What is Carl Gan’s role in DTW Group?
Carl Gan’s role in DTW Group is Sales Manager
What is Carl Gan’s email address?
Carl Gan’s email address is l***@dtw.com.cn
What is Carl Gan’s business email address?
Carl Gan’s business email address is l***@dtw.com.cn
What is Carl Gan’s direct phone number?
Carl Gan’s direct phone number is +86 ** **** ****
What is Carl Gan’s work phone number?
Carl Gan’s headquarters phone number is +86 4006261166
Which industry does Carl Gan work in?
Carl Gan works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Carl Gan’s peers at other companies?
Carl Gan’s peers at other companies are Murali Manoharan, Tabassum Shaikh, Sam Shivam, Flynn Nguyen, Ben Reid.
Who are Carl Gan’s colleagues?
Some of Carl Gan’s colleagues are Maggie Yang, Jane Jin, Zehua Sun, Amy Cheng.
How can I contact Carl Gan?
Carl Gan contact details: Email address: l***@dtw.com.cn Phone number: +86 ** **** ****
Who is Carl Gan?

Carl Gan is a Sales Manager at DTW Group based in Beijing, Beijing.... Read More

Where is Carl Gan based?
Carl Gan works for DTW Group, located at China
See more information about Carl Gan

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