Candela Callegher

Consultor at Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Candela Callegher Email & Phone number

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Candela Callegher Work Experience Summary

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About Candela Callegher

Candela Callegher is a Consultor at Universidad Nacional de San Martín based in General San Martin, Buenos Aires. Previously, Candela was a Consultor at Universidad Nacional de San Martín.Explore more

Candela Callegher Current Workplace

Universidad Nacional de San Martín is an Argentinian State University, created in 1992 and has become a privileged space and a leader in academic training, research, cultural development and social transformation. The University is ranked as the number 12 in knowledge production in Argentina according to Scimago Ranking, and holds the second position in Argentina in terms of most publications in the best scientific journals of the world. This is the result of a distinctive combination of a socially engaged community, innovative programmes, and their great effort to pursue their mission, which is to support and develop the power of talent. The university developed strong, research-led partnerships with a range of leading universities in the world, especially in Europe and North America, such as École des Hautes Études en Sciences Socials, University of Paris 3-Sorbonne and Paris 8 (France), University of Kassel (Germany), University of Leeds (United Kingdom), Roma Tre University, PadovaSee more

Candela Callegher Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience

Consultora En Programa De Análisis Social De La Ciudadanía Audiovisual Latinoamericana

Universidad Nacional de San Martín



Honorable Concejo Deliberante de General San Martín


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Candela Callegher

What company does Candela Callegher work for?
Candela Callegher works for Universidad Nacional de San Martín as Consultor
What is Candela Callegher’s role in Universidad Nacional de San Martín?
Candela Callegher’s role in Universidad Nacional de San Martín is Consultor
What is Candela Callegher’s email address?
Candela Callegher’s email address is c***
What is Candela Callegher’s business email address?
Candela Callegher’s business email address is c***
What is Candela Callegher’s direct phone number?
Candela Callegher’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Candela Callegher’s work phone number?
Candela Callegher’s headquarters phone number is +54 1140061500
What is Candela Callegher’s latest job experience?
Candela Callegher’s latest job experience is Consultor at Universidad Nacional de San Martín
Which industry does Candela Callegher work in?
Candela Callegher works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Candela Callegher’s peers at other companies?
Candela Callegher’s peers at other companies are Gerson Blandino, Ibelys Rivero, Gabriel Angelo, Ian Desponds, Héctor Alarcón Barrera.
Who are Candela Callegher’s colleagues?
Some of Candela Callegher’s colleagues are Karina Moser, Esteban Hernando, Sonia Tarragona, Luis Inzaurraga.
How can I contact Candela Callegher?
Candela Callegher contact details: Email address: c*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Candela Callegher?

Candela Callegher is a Consultor at Universidad Nacional de San Martín based in General San Martin, Buenos Aires. Previously, Candela was a Consultor at Universidad Nacional de San Martín.... Read More

Where is Candela Callegher based?
Candela Callegher works for Universidad Nacional de San Martín, located at Argentina
See more information about Candela Callegher

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