Camille Guerra

Attorney at Casey Gerry

Camille Guerra Email & Phone number


(619) ***-****

Camille Guerra Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Camille Guerra Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Camille Guerra

Camille Guerra is an Attorney at Casey Gerry, a respected law firm based in San Diego, United States. Prior to her current role, she served as a Legal Analyst at GHPi. Camille holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, where she honed her legal expertise and gained valuable experience in the field. With a strong background in the legal industry, Camille is responsible for providing exceptional legal counsel and representation to her clients.

Camille Guerra Current Workplace

Casey Gerry

2006-present (19 years)

CaseyGerry is an experienced law firm based in San Diego, specializing in personal injury, mass tort, and class action litigation. They are dedicated to protecting clients' rights and maximizing their compensation through various legal services, including cases related to car accidents, wrongful death, and traumatic brain injuries. Established in 1947, the firm has built a national reputation for excellence and commitment, offering free consultations and undertaking financial risks for their clients, only getting paid if the case is won. Their intended clients include individuals seeking legal representation for complex injury cases and those involved in class actions.

Camille Guerra Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Legal Analyst



Legal Advisor

San Diego Superior Court




Doctor of Jurisprudence - Law

Thomas Jefferson School of Law


Universiteti i Prishtinës: KOSOVO (Former Yugoslav Republic)


Eötvös Loránd University

Master of Advanced Studies: Health Policy and Law - Health Law

University of California San Diego

Org Chart - Casey Gerry

Camille Guerra


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Camille Guerra

What company does Camille Guerra work for?
Camille Guerra works for Casey Gerry as Attorney
What is Camille Guerra’s role in Casey Gerry?
Camille Guerra’s role in Casey Gerry is Attorney
What is Camille Guerra’s direct phone number?
Camille Guerra’s direct phone number is (619) ***-****
What is Camille Guerra’s work phone number?
Camille Guerra’s headquarters phone number is (619) 238-1811
What is Camille Guerra’s latest job experience?
Camille Guerra’s latest job experience is Legal Analyst at GHPi
What is Camille Guerra’s latest education?
Camille Guerra’s latest education in Doctor of Jurisprudence - Law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law
Which industry does Camille Guerra work in?
Camille Guerra works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Camille Guerra’s peers at other companies?
Camille Guerra’s peers at other companies are Michael Goodman, David Morantz, Chamoya Cameron, Marc Isaacson, Patricia Kryder.
Who are Camille Guerra’s colleagues?
Some of Camille Guerra’s colleagues are Steve Leonard, Tyler Lektorich, Aundra Gogue, Beverly De Witt.
Who is Camille Guerra?

Camille Guerra is an Attorney at Casey Gerry, a respected law firm based in San Diego, United States. Prior to her current role, she served as a Legal Analyst at GHPi. Camille holds a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, where she honed her legal expertise and gained valuable experience in the field. With a strong... background in the legal industry, Camille is responsible for providing exceptional legal counsel and representation to her clients.

Where is Camille Guerra based?
Camille Guerra works for Casey Gerry, located at United States