
Camille Burnett

Vice President, Health Equity, Equity Portfolio (US) at IHI Corporation

Camille Burnett Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Camille Burnett Current Workplace


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Camille Burnett Work Experience Summary

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About Camille Burnett

Camille Burnett is a Vice President, Health Equity, Equity Portfolio (US) at IHI Corporation based in Toyosu, Tokyo. Previously, Camille was an Affiliate, Institute of Women's Health VCU School of Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University and also held positions at Nnvawi, Public Health Ontario, University of Kentucky, University of Virginia, Western University Canada, Perth District Health Unit, MiddlesexLondon Health Unit. Camille received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton University.Explore more

Camille Burnett Current Workplace

IHI Corporation

2022-present (2 years)

IHI is an international heavy industry manufacturing company which focuses primarily on the energy and electricity, social infrastructure and offshore facilities, aerospace and defense, and industrial machinery industries. Their products include a wide variety of equipment, machinery, and parts, including compressors, parking systems, pulp & paper machinery, agricultural equipment, aeroplane engines, rocket and space exploration systems, air traffic control equipment, steelmaking equipment, bridges, steel structures, urban development, concrete construction materials, equipment for processing and manufacturing plants, gas engines, nuclear energy equipment, and much more. The company is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan and was originally founded in 1853, adopting the name IHI in 2007.

Camille Burnett Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Affiliate, Institute of Women's Health VCU School of Medicine

Virginia Commonwealth University


Associate Vice President & Education Health Equity & Tenured Professor

Virginia Commonwealth University


Associate Executive Director, Institute For Inclusion, Innovation & Inquiry (Icubed)

Virginia Commonwealth University


Strategic Advisor & Provost, Office of & Assistant Dean & Associate Professor

University of Kentucky




Bachelor of Arts

Carleton University
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Elected Board of Directors Vice President



Elected Board of Directors Member At Large



Elected Board of Directors Member

Public Health Ontario


Org Chart - IHI Corporation


Vice President, Health Equity, Equi...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Camille Burnett

What company does Camille Burnett work for?
Camille Burnett works for IHI Corporation as Vice President, Health Equity, Equity Portfolio (US)
What is Camille Burnett’s role in IHI Corporation?
Camille Burnett’s role in IHI Corporation is Vice President, Health Equity, Equity Portfolio (US)
What is Camille Burnett’s email address?
Camille Burnett’s email address is c***@ihi.org
What is Camille Burnett’s business email address?
Camille Burnett’s business email address is c***@ihi.org
What is Camille Burnett’s direct phone number?
Camille Burnett’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Camille Burnett’s work phone number?
Camille Burnett’s headquarters phone number is +81 362047800
What is Camille Burnett’s latest job experience?
Camille Burnett’s latest job experience is Affiliate, Institute of Women's Health VCU School of Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University
What is Camille Burnett’s latest education?
Camille Burnett’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Carleton University
Which industry does Camille Burnett work in?
Camille Burnett works in the industry of Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Camille Burnett’s colleagues?
Some of Camille Burnett’s colleagues are Nabila Kartini, Yasunori Kuroki, Jennifer Culbert, Sally Mtenga.
How can I contact Camille Burnett?
Camille Burnett contact details: Email address: c***@ihi.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Camille Burnett?

Camille Burnett is a Vice President, Health Equity, Equity Portfolio (US) at IHI Corporation based in Toyosu, Tokyo. Previously, Camille was an Affiliate, Institute of Women's Health VCU School of Medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University and also held positions at Nnvawi, Public Health Ontario, University of Kentucky, University of Virginia, W... estern University Canada, Perth District Health Unit, MiddlesexLondon Health Unit. Camille received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton University.Read More

Where is Camille Burnett based?
Camille Burnett works for IHI Corporation, located at Japan
See more information about Camille Burnett

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