Camila Linck

Product Analyst at Ballast Lane Applications

Camila Linck Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Camila Linck Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Camila Linck Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Camila Linck

Camila Linck is a skilled Product Analyst at Ballast Lane Applications. They are responsible for overseeing the development and optimization of the company's innovative software solutions. With a strong background in product management, Camila brings a unique blend of technical expertise and user-centric design to their work.Prior to their current role, Camila served as a Product Owner and Product Manager at Urbe.me, where they were instrumental in driving the company's product strategy and delivering successful digital products. Formada em Design de Produto na UFRGS em 2020/2, Camila is also certified as a Professional Scrum Product Owner I by Scrum.org, further strengthening their ability to lead cross-functional teams and deliver exceptional results.Camila's passion for product development, coupled with their deep understanding of user needs and market trends, makes them a valuable asset to the Ballast Lane Applications team. They are committed to continuously improving their skillsRead more

Camila Linck Current Workplace

Ballast Lane Applications

2024-present (3 months)

Ballast Lane Applications, a Boston-based company, specializes in full-stack development, design, quality assurance, and maintenance. They design and build digital products for established businesses and startups in the USA and Latin America, focusing on creating new products and engaging customers. With an exceptional team of professionals, they offer services in discovery, design, delivery, development DevOps, QA testing, and AI integration using a wide array of technologies. Known for their long-term client relationships, they prioritize professional and personal development while customizing teams to scale businesses.

Camila Linck Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Product Owner & Product Manager

UOL EdTech


Product Owner & Product Manager



UX & UI Designer



User Experience Designer

UNA/SUS Universidade Aberta do SUS





Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Org Chart - Ballast Lane Applications


Product Analyst




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Camila Linck

What company does Camila Linck work for?
Camila Linck works for Ballast Lane Applications as Product Analyst
What is Camila Linck’s role in Ballast Lane Applications?
Camila Linck’s role in Ballast Lane Applications is Product Analyst
What is Camila Linck’s direct phone number?
Camila Linck’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Camila Linck’s work phone number?
Camila Linck’s headquarters phone number is (781) 631-2536
What is Camila Linck’s latest job experience?
Camila Linck’s latest job experience is Product Owner & Product Manager at UOL EdTech
What is Camila Linck’s latest education?
Camila Linck’s latest education in Graduação at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Which industry does Camila Linck work in?
Camila Linck works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Camila Linck’s peers at other companies?
Camila Linck’s peers at other companies are Oren Lasry, Kiril Terentii, Benjamín Martínez, Ivana Casado, Feminna Fernando.
Who are Camila Linck’s colleagues?
Some of Camila Linck’s colleagues are Pier Bottero, Augusto Abichacra, Fabio Dias, Juan Esteban.
Who is Camila Linck?

Camila Linck is a skilled Product Analyst at Ballast Lane Applications. They are responsible for overseeing the development and optimization of the company's innovative software solutions. With a strong background in product management, Camila brings a unique blend of technical expertise and user-centric design to their work.Prior to their current... role, Camila served as a Product Owner and Product Manager at Urbe.me, where they were instrumental in driving the company's product strategy and delivering successful digital products. Formada em Design de Produto na UFRGS em 2020/2, Camila is also certified as a Professional Scrum Product Owner I by Scrum.org, further strengthening their ability to lead cross-functional teams and deliver exceptional results.Camila's passion for product development, coupled with their deep understanding of user needs and market trends, makes them a valuable asset to the Ballast Lane Applications team. They are committed to continuously improving their skills and expertise to drive innovation and deliver exceptional products that meet the evolving demands of their clients.Read More

Where is Camila Linck based?
Camila Linck works for Ballast Lane Applications, located at United States
See more information about Camila Linck

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