
Camie Sanchez

Chief Development Officer at VMC Foundation

Camie Sanchez Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Camie Sanchez Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Camie Sanchez Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Camie Sanchez

Camie Sanchez is a Chief Development Officer at VMC Foundation based in San Jose, California. Previously, Camie was a Senior Director, Community Health at American Heart Association.

Camie Sanchez Current Workplace

VMC Foundation

2018-present (7 years)

Valley Health Foundation is a non-profit leader in community health and healthcare that fundraises to support, innovate, and advocate better health for all in Santa Clara County. They support, innovate, and advocate for the Santa Clara Valley Healthcare system, providing care for a quarter of all residents in the community annually. With a focus on strengthening spaces like The Q-Corner and initiatives like the Backpack Homeless Healthcare Program, they aim to ensure access to high-quality healthcare services for all residents of Santa Clara County.

Camie Sanchez Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Director, Community Health

American Heart Association


Org Chart - VMC Foundation

Camie Sanchez

Chief Development Officer

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Camie Sanchez

What company does Camie Sanchez work for?
Camie Sanchez works for VMC Foundation as Chief Development Officer
What is Camie Sanchez’s role in VMC Foundation?
Camie Sanchez’s role in VMC Foundation is Chief Development Officer
What is Camie Sanchez’s email address?
Camie Sanchez’s email address is c***@vmcfoundation.org
What is Camie Sanchez’s business email address?
Camie Sanchez’s business email address is c***@vmcfoundation.org
What is Camie Sanchez’s direct phone number?
Camie Sanchez’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Camie Sanchez’s work phone number?
Camie Sanchez’s headquarters phone number is (408) 885-5299
What is Camie Sanchez’s latest job experience?
Camie Sanchez’s latest job experience is Senior Director, Community Health at American Heart Association
Which industry does Camie Sanchez work in?
Camie Sanchez works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Camie Sanchez’s peers at other companies?
Camie Sanchez’s peers at other companies are Jay Haberman, Anne McKeough, Christine Lessard, Lauren Hall, Stephen Saunders.
Who are Camie Sanchez’s colleagues?
Some of Camie Sanchez’s colleagues are Ma Aguirre-Arceo, Nicole Schmidt.
How can I contact Camie Sanchez?
Camie Sanchez contact details: Email address: c***@vmcfoundation.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Camie Sanchez?

Camie Sanchez is a Chief Development Officer at VMC Foundation based in San Jose, California. Previously, Camie was a Senior Director, Community Health at American Heart Association....

Where is Camie Sanchez based?
Camie Sanchez works for VMC Foundation, located at United States
Who is VMC Foundation’s Chief Development Officer?
VMC Foundation's Chief Development Officer is Camie Sanchez