Caleb Kuhn

Project Manager at Countryside

Caleb Kuhn Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Caleb Kuhn Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Caleb Kuhn Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Caleb Kuhn

Caleb Kuhn is a Project Manager at Countryside based in Overland Park, Kansas. Previously, Caleb was a Sales Manager at Soar Transportation Group and also held positions at England Logistics. Caleb received a Bachelor of Science degree from Weber State University.Explore more

Caleb Kuhn Current Workplace


2018-present (6 years)

At Countryside we feel compelled to emphasize the regular teaching and preaching of scripture as the revelation of God and the communication of His will, and to pursue meaningful relationships that promote spiritual growth, providing a context for discipleship and biblical fellowship. God has called us as the church to make disciples. As the body of Christ, He desires to use us as he draws men to Himself and accomplishes His purposes in this world: glorifying Himself and making His name known. In seeking to glorify Him and participate in making His name known, we hold several priorities that serve to guide our ministry: The priority to be biblical in what we do The Bible is our foundation. Countryside is a Bible-based, Christ-focused, people-oriented church. Our philosophy of ministry is built on the premise that the Bible dictates both what we do and how we are to do it. From our worship services to our childrens ministries, the Bible is central. Our commitment is that biblical exposiSee more

Caleb Kuhn Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales Manager

Soar Transportation Group


Senior Account Manager

England Logistics




Bachelor of Science

Weber State University

Org Chart - Countryside


Project Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Caleb Kuhn

What company does Caleb Kuhn work for?
Caleb Kuhn works for Countryside as Project Manager
What is Caleb Kuhn’s role in Countryside?
Caleb Kuhn’s role in Countryside is Project Manager
What is Caleb Kuhn’s email address?
Caleb Kuhn’s email address is c***@country-side.ca
What is Caleb Kuhn’s business email address?
Caleb Kuhn’s business email address is c***@country-side.ca
What is Caleb Kuhn’s direct phone number?
Caleb Kuhn’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Caleb Kuhn’s work phone number?
Caleb Kuhn’s headquarters phone number is (913) 592-3270
What is Caleb Kuhn’s latest job experience?
Caleb Kuhn’s latest job experience is Sales Manager at Soar Transportation Group
What is Caleb Kuhn’s latest education?
Caleb Kuhn’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at Weber State University
Which industry does Caleb Kuhn work in?
Caleb Kuhn works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Caleb Kuhn’s peers at other companies?
Caleb Kuhn’s peers at other companies are Larissa Negreiros, Jeremy Clay, Nader Shawky, Mukesh Kurakula, Emily French.
Who are Caleb Kuhn’s colleagues?
Some of Caleb Kuhn’s colleagues are Keith Harris, Lori Bean, Hugo Ibarra, Judy Palmer.
How can I contact Caleb Kuhn?
Caleb Kuhn contact details: Email address: c***@country-side.ca Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Caleb Kuhn?

Caleb Kuhn is a Project Manager at Countryside based in Overland Park, Kansas. Previously, Caleb was a Sales Manager at Soar Transportation Group and also held positions at England Logistics. Caleb received a Bachelor of Science degree from Weber State University.... Read More

Where is Caleb Kuhn based?
Caleb Kuhn works for Countryside, located at United States
See more information about Caleb Kuhn

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