
Caitlyn Davison

Senior Communications Associate at Orton Family Foundation

Caitlyn Davison Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Caitlyn Davison Current Workplace


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Caitlyn Davison Work Experience Summary

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About Caitlyn Davison

Caitlyn Davison is a Senior Communications Associate at Orton Family Foundation based in Shelburne, Vermont. Previously, Caitlyn was an Events Editor at NGXchange. Caitlyn received a bachelor's degree degree from University of Colorado and a master's from Muskie School for Public Service at the University of Southern Maine.Explore more

Caitlyn Davison Current Workplace

Orton Family Foundation

2024-present (9 months)

About the Orton Family Foundation With an entrepreneurial spirit and funding derived from the profits of The Vermont Country Store, Lyman Orton and Noel Fritzinger established the Orton Family Foundation in 1995 as a resource for small cities and towns grappling with change and searching for solutions. An active resident of Weston, Vermont and a proud seventh generation Vermonter, Lyman saw that many communities around the state were unprepared for growth and lacking the information and tools needed to steer the change toward a vibrant, sustainable future. The Foundation began by developing a GIS-based 3D visualization and decision-support tool, CommunityViz®, which has helped hundreds of communities across the US imagine new possibilities for growth and change. The Foundation now emphasizes the Community Heart & Soul process, a planning methodology that uses broad citizen engagement to build economically resilient and socially vibrant communities based on towns' unique local characterSee more

Caitlyn Davison Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Events Editor





bachelor's degree

University of Colorado


Muskie School for Public Service at the University of Southern Maine

Org Chart - Orton Family Foundation


Senior Communications Associate




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Caitlyn Davison

What company does Caitlyn Davison work for?
Caitlyn Davison works for Orton Family Foundation as Senior Communications Associate
What is Caitlyn Davison’s role in Orton Family Foundation?
Caitlyn Davison’s role in Orton Family Foundation is Senior Communications Associate
What is Caitlyn Davison’s email address?
Caitlyn Davison’s email address is c***@orton.org
What is Caitlyn Davison’s business email address?
Caitlyn Davison’s business email address is c***@orton.org
What is Caitlyn Davison’s direct phone number?
Caitlyn Davison’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Caitlyn Davison’s work phone number?
Caitlyn Davison’s headquarters phone number is (802) 495-0864
What is Caitlyn Davison’s latest job experience?
Caitlyn Davison’s latest job experience is Events Editor at NGXchange
What is Caitlyn Davison’s latest education?
Caitlyn Davison’s latest education in bachelor's degree at University of Colorado
Which industry does Caitlyn Davison work in?
Caitlyn Davison works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Caitlyn Davison’s peers at other companies?
Caitlyn Davison’s peers at other companies are Carol Abrams, Satbhan Singh, Linda Zheng, Devon Miller, Tykia Murray.
Who are Caitlyn Davison’s colleagues?
Some of Caitlyn Davison’s colleagues are Mika Fields, Ian Moran, Sarah Origer, Robin Comey.
How can I contact Caitlyn Davison?
Caitlyn Davison contact details: Email address: c***@orton.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Caitlyn Davison?

Caitlyn Davison is a Senior Communications Associate at Orton Family Foundation based in Shelburne, Vermont. Previously, Caitlyn was an Events Editor at NGXchange. Caitlyn received a bachelor's degree degree from University of Colorado and a master's from Muskie School for Public Service at the University of Southern Maine.... Read More

Where is Caitlyn Davison based?
Caitlyn Davison works for Orton Family Foundation, located at United States
See more information about Caitlyn Davison

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