Cadence Rahmann

Account Executive at LumiCo Logistics

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(***) ***-****

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About Cadence Rahmann

Cadence Rahmann is an Account Executive at LumiCo Logistics based in Kitchener, Ontario.Explore more

Cadence Rahmann Current Workplace

LumiCo Logistics

2024-present (9 months)

Through professional experience and valued relations with reliable carriers across North America, LumiCo offers consistent and quality services within the transportation industry. At LumiCo Logistics, we value our customers and take pride in our delivery of excellent customer service support. Customer service is where we outperform our competition as customer needs and customer satisfaction are our topmost priority. We ensure that customers receive the best supply chain support possible, by being available at all times and providing the greatest working team in the industry. Our goal is to exceed customer expectations by providing cost effective freight services to meet your supply chain solutions. No matter the size of the business or the complexity of the request, the LumiCo team is here to support you in the best way we can. Our mission is supported by establishing a healthy work environment and promoting teamwork ethics, enabling our employees to provide high quality services to coSee more

Org Chart - LumiCo Logistics


Account Executive




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cadence Rahmann

What company does Cadence Rahmann work for?
Cadence Rahmann works for LumiCo Logistics as Account Executive
What is Cadence Rahmann’s role in LumiCo Logistics?
Cadence Rahmann’s role in LumiCo Logistics is Account Executive
What is Cadence Rahmann’s email address?
Cadence Rahmann’s email address is c***
What is Cadence Rahmann’s business email address?
Cadence Rahmann’s business email address is c***
What is Cadence Rahmann’s direct phone number?
Cadence Rahmann’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Cadence Rahmann’s work phone number?
Cadence Rahmann’s headquarters phone number is (519) 279-7979
Which industry does Cadence Rahmann work in?
Cadence Rahmann works in the industry of Freight & Logistics Services, Transportation.
Who are Cadence Rahmann’s peers at other companies?
Cadence Rahmann’s peers at other companies are Steve Sanford, Jason Raley, Chandler Cornett, Sam Siegel, Mark Giroux.
Who are Cadence Rahmann’s colleagues?
Some of Cadence Rahmann’s colleagues are Sona Elango, Steve Rigby, Cameron Mensah.
How can I contact Cadence Rahmann?
Cadence Rahmann contact details: Email address: c*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Cadence Rahmann?

Cadence Rahmann is an Account Executive at LumiCo Logistics based in Kitchener, Ontario.... Read More

Where is Cadence Rahmann based?
Cadence Rahmann works for LumiCo Logistics, located at Canada
See more information about Cadence Rahmann

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