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First gas delivery from Türkiye to Bulgaria starts - NEWS - ACE GROUP CONSULTANTS
Burhan Ozcan , General Manager of BOTAS , said that the gas transmission from the terminal will be an initial step in ensuring energy supply security ...Turkey opens gas link with Bulgaria to blunt Russian dominance
The January agreement's maximum capacity of 1.5 billion cubic meters - about half of Bulgaria's annual consumption - could increase if demand requires...Business Diplomacy
Burhan Ozcan , General Manager of BOTAS , talked about the activities and future perspec- tive of BOTAS for Business Diplomacy readers. BOTAS OCCUPIE...Business Diplomacy
Burhan Ozcan , General Manager of BOTAS , talked about the activities and future perspec- tive of BOTAS for Business Diplomacy readers.
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Burhan Ozcan
Burhan Ozcan is the Chief Executive Officer at Oman LNG based in Muscat, Muhafazat Masqat. Previously, Burhan was the Head at Botas.... Read More