Bryan Beery

Architect at BGI Architecture

Bryan Beery Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Bryan Beery Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Bryan Beery Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


Last Update 12/28/2024 4:08 AM

About Bryan Beery

Bryan Beery is an Architect at BGI Architecture, based in Carlsbad, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as a Project Engineer at Allgire General Contractors. Beery holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Arizona. He is responsible for overseeing the design and development of various architectural projects, leveraging his extensive experience in the industry.

Bryan Beery Current Workplace

BGI Architecture

2014-present (10 years)

BGI Architecture is a full service design firm specializing in custom residential and commercial construction located in San Diego, California.

Bryan Beery Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Project Engineer

Allgire General Contractors


Architectural Designer



Architectural Designer

Hanlon Engineering




Bachelor of Architecture - Architecture

University of Arizona

Org Chart - BGI Architecture

Bryan Beery


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bryan Beery

What company does Bryan Beery work for?
Bryan Beery works for BGI Architecture as Architect
What is Bryan Beery’s role in BGI Architecture?
Bryan Beery’s role in BGI Architecture is Architect
What is Bryan Beery’s email address?
Bryan Beery’s email address is b***@bgiarchitect.com
What is Bryan Beery’s business email address?
Bryan Beery’s business email address is b***@bgiarchitect.com
What is Bryan Beery’s direct phone number?
Bryan Beery’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Bryan Beery’s work phone number?
Bryan Beery’s headquarters phone number is (760) 438-2963
What is Bryan Beery’s latest job experience?
Bryan Beery’s latest job experience is Project Engineer at Allgire General Contractors
What is Bryan Beery’s latest education?
Bryan Beery’s latest education in Bachelor of Architecture - Architecture at University of Arizona
Which industry does Bryan Beery work in?
Bryan Beery works in the industry of Architecture, Engineering & Design, Construction.
Who are Bryan Beery’s peers at other companies?
Bryan Beery’s peers at other companies are Matthew Chai, Michael Parkin, Andre Houston, Roy Yamamoto, James Liu.
Who are Bryan Beery’s colleagues?
Some of Bryan Beery’s colleagues are Gilbert Guillen.
How can I contact Bryan Beery?
Bryan Beery contact details: Email address: b***@bgiarchitect.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Bryan Beery?

Bryan Beery is an Architect at BGI Architecture, based in Carlsbad, United States. Prior to his current role, he served as a Project Engineer at Allgire General Contractors. Beery holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the University of Arizona. He is responsible for overseeing the design and development of various architectural projects, lev... eraging his extensive experience in the industry.

Where is Bryan Beery based?
Bryan Beery works for BGI Architecture, located at United States