1997-present (28 years)
Bruce Nash Email & Phone number
Bruce Nash Current Workplace
8200 Wilshire Blvd Ste 200, Beverly Hills, California, 90211, United States
Phone Number
(323) 932-6025
Number of Employees
Bruce Nash Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
1Average duration at a company (years)
28Number of job titles
1Last Update 1/9/2025 7:56 AM
About Bruce Nash
Bruce Nash is the Founder & President at Nash Information Services based in Beverly Hills, California.
Bruce Nash Current Workplace
Nash Information Services
Nash Information Services, LLC provides research services to industry professionals, investors and entertainment companies. Since 1997, we have been constantly developing our Movie Industry Model, a sophisticated tool for analyzing the past and future performance of movies, including ancillary revenue through DVD and VHS sales and rentals, TV sales, and foreign revenues. Using our model, we can provide revenue estimates for past movies, predictions of opening weekends and total grosses for current and future releases, and many other financial projections that can be critical in creating a business plan for an independent movie, or planning an investment. Our research services are used by independent producers, investment banks and analysts, technology companies, retailers, web sites and the major studios. One of our most popular services is our Movie Sales Projection. The projection is based on an extract from our database for movies that are similar to a given project based either onSee more
Bruce Nash Work Experience & Education
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Web References
FactSet Launches Dedicated Content Offering for the Technology, Media, and Telecom Sector
"We're delighted to be providing our OpusData movie tracking services in collaboration with FactSet ," said Bruce Nash , Founder and President of Nash...The (Un)Predictability of SVOD Performance - Media & Entertainment Services Alliance
Ben French completed the study with the advice and assistance of Bruce Nash , president of Nash Information Services , and Richard W. Kroon, director ...Biovea 26% Off Sales
Bruce Nash , Founder And President Of Nash Information ...The death of the DVD: Why sales dropped more than 86% in 13 years - Geo holding
Bruce Nash , the president of Nash Information Services said consumers ditched DVD spending as their disposable income shriveled, kicking off the demi...
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bruce Nash
Bruce Nash is the Founder & President at Nash Information Services based in Beverly Hills, California....