Brooke Terry

Chief Information Officer at Luminare Health

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Brooke Terry Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Brooke Terry Current Workplace


Number of Employees

Brooke Terry Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Brooke Terry

Brooke Terry is the Chief Information Officer at Luminare Health. Previously, she held the role of Chief Information Officer at Trustmark. Terry holds a bachelor's degree from Concordia University Chicago.

Brooke Terry Current Workplace

Luminare Health

2022-present (2 years)

Luminare Health, formerly known as Trustmark Health Benefits, is a total benefits solution that helps self-funded employers manage their healthcare costs, supports clients strategic growth goals through white-labeled back-office services, and empowers members to live their healthiest lives. Luminare Health, is standalone operating subsidiary of Health Care Services Corporation with clients across the United States.

Brooke Terry Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Ventures Vice President, Growth

Trustmark Corporation


Vice President, Enterprise Technology

Trustmark Corporation


Vice President, Information Technology

Trustmark Corporation


Vice President - BU Chief Information Officer

Trustmark Corporation




bachelor's degree - Computer Science

Concordia University Chicago

Org Chart - Luminare Health

Brooke Terry

Chief Information Officer

Recent News About Brooke Terry

Web References
Web References
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    Brook Terry Brooke Terry - Chief Information Officer With more than 25 years' experience, Brooke Terry was named Chief Information Officer of Cor...
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    Brook Terry Brooke Terry - Chief Information Officer With more than 25 years' experience, Brooke Terry was named Chief Information Officer of Cor...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brooke Terry

What company does Brooke Terry work for?
Brooke Terry works for Luminare Health as Chief Information Officer
What is Brooke Terry’s role in Luminare Health?
Brooke Terry’s role in Luminare Health is Chief Information Officer
What is Brooke Terry’s email address?
Brooke Terry’s email address is b***
What is Brooke Terry’s business email address?
Brooke Terry’s business email address is b***
What is Brooke Terry’s direct phone number?
Brooke Terry’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Brooke Terry’s latest job experience?
Brooke Terry’s latest job experience is Ventures Vice President, Growth at Trustmark Corporation
What is Brooke Terry’s latest education?
Brooke Terry’s latest education in bachelor's degree - Computer Science at Concordia University Chicago
Which industry does Brooke Terry work in?
Brooke Terry works in the industry of Healthcare General, Healthcare.
Who are Brooke Terry’s peers at other companies?
Brooke Terry’s peers at other companies are Scott Farnsworth, Nayan Patel, Donald Marks, James Garrity, Ken Jessen.
Who are Brooke Terry’s colleagues?
Some of Brooke Terry’s colleagues are Elizabeth Senus, Charlotte Franklin, Paul Scaglione, Lisa Livesey.
How can I contact Brooke Terry?
Brooke Terry contact details: Email address: b*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Brooke Terry?

Brooke Terry is the Chief Information Officer at Luminare Health. Previously, she held the role of Chief Information Officer at Trustmark. Terry holds a bachelor's degree from Concordia University Chicago....

Where is Brooke Terry based?
Brooke Terry works for Luminare Health, located at United States
Who is Luminare Health’s Chief Information Officer?
Luminare Health's Chief Information Officer is Brooke Terry