
Brittany Royds

Senior Project Manager at PLAE

Brittany Royds Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Brittany Royds Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Brittany Royds Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Brittany Royds

Brittany Royds is a Senior Project Manager at PLAE based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Brittany was a Head of Design at PLAE and also held positions at Gold Coast, Coles Supermarkets. Brittany received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Griffith University.

Brittany Royds Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

A Place to Laugh And Eat...aka Plae Bistro. At Plae, we let you enjoy our casual, laid back atmosphere by taking care of every last detail.

Brittany Royds Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Head of Design



Project Officer



Production Coordinator



Technical Designer





Bachelor of Arts

Griffith University

Org Chart - PLAE

Brittany Royds

Senior Project Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brittany Royds

What company does Brittany Royds work for?
Brittany Royds works for PLAE as Senior Project Manager
What is Brittany Royds’s role in PLAE?
Brittany Royds’s role in PLAE is Senior Project Manager
What is Brittany Royds’s email address?
Brittany Royds’s email address is b***@plae.global
What is Brittany Royds’s business email address?
Brittany Royds’s business email address is b***@plae.global
What is Brittany Royds’s direct phone number?
Brittany Royds’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Brittany Royds’s work phone number?
Brittany Royds’s headquarters phone number is (800) 931-7523
What is Brittany Royds’s latest job experience?
Brittany Royds’s latest job experience is Head of Design at PLAE
What is Brittany Royds’s latest education?
Brittany Royds’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Griffith University
Which industry does Brittany Royds work in?
Brittany Royds works in the industry of Apparel & Accessories Retail, Retail.
Who are Brittany Royds’s peers at other companies?
Brittany Royds’s peers at other companies are Justine Wong, Sarah Lore, Matthew Knoedler, Luis Estrada, Anupriya Mba.
Who are Brittany Royds’s colleagues?
Some of Brittany Royds’s colleagues are Haden Costello, David Vial, Kelsey Johnson, Tara Smith.
How can I contact Brittany Royds?
Brittany Royds contact details: Email address: b***@plae.global Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Brittany Royds?

Brittany Royds is a Senior Project Manager at PLAE based in San Francisco, California. Previously, Brittany was a Head of Design at PLAE and also held positions at Gold Coast, Coles Supermarkets. Brittany received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Griffith University....

Where is Brittany Royds based?
Brittany Royds works for PLAE, located at United States