Brianna Violi

Sales Executive at Apictiv

Brianna Violi Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Brianna Violi Current Workplace




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Brianna Violi Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Brianna Violi

Brianna Violi works as a Sales Executive at Apictiv, which is a Business Services company. They are part of Sales Department and their management level is Non-Manager. Brianna is currently based in Richmond, Virginia. They used to work at University of Virginia. Found email listings include: b***@apictiv.com.Explore more

Brianna Violi Current Workplace


2022-present (3 years)

Apictiv is a web & graphic design, photography & business success focused company. All projects are customized to the unique partner needs to set a foundation for optimal success. We breathe life back into businesses that have become stagnant & capture the true character of a company; rather than providing surface-level results, we focus on long-term solutions which will grow with your business or goals. Branding, your web presence & strategies should make you proud while being a clear reflection of what you stand for. Apictiv offers competitive incentives to provide the greatest value & success for every client. Check out our services provided to find your best fit or contact us today so we can help you stand out in only the very best way.

Brianna Violi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Sales & Marketing Representative

University of Virginia


Org Chart - Apictiv


Sales Executive




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brianna Violi

What company does Brianna Violi work for?
Brianna Violi works for Apictiv as Sales Executive
What is Brianna Violi’s role in Apictiv?
Brianna Violi’s role in Apictiv is Sales Executive
What is Brianna Violi’s direct phone number?
Brianna Violi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Brianna Violi’s latest job experience?
Brianna Violi’s latest job experience is Sales & Marketing Representative at University of Virginia
Which industry does Brianna Violi work in?
Brianna Violi works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Brianna Violi’s peers at other companies?
Brianna Violi’s peers at other companies are Patrick Brodhurst, Farah Hakim, Ramya Malar, Tridib Rana, Taha Ahmed.
Where is Brianna Violi based?
Brianna Violi works for Apictiv, located at United States
See more information about Brianna Violi

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