Brian Torre

President at Insurance Archaeology Group

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(646) ***-****

Brian Torre Current Workplace


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Brian Torre Work Experience Summary

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About Brian Torre

Brian Torre is a President at Insurance Archaeology Group based in New York City, New York. Previously, Brian was an Intern and Temprary Employment at Various. Brian received a B. A. degree from American University and a M. A. from University of Chicago.Explore more

Brian Torre Current Workplace

Insurance Archaeology Group

2003-present (22 years)

IAG is the recognized leader in the field of insurance archaeology. Since 1985, IAG has documented hundreds of billions of dollars of prepaid insurance assets, enabling our clients to maximize recoveries for environmental, toxic tort and a variety of other long tail liabilities. Decades of mergers and acquisition activity combined with a steady onslaught of emerging liabilities and heightened environmental enforcement have ensured that insurance archaeology - now more than ever - is a best practice for risk management. IAG has the largest staff devoted exclusively to the specialized field of insurance archaeology research. Over the past 25 years, we have developed many of the techniques and protocols which have become the standards for conducting an historic audit of a company's past coverage. In reconstructing a coverage history, our staff digs exhaustively through corporate records, tracks down and interviews former employees and identifies a variety of leads to potential outside souSee more

Brian Torre Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Intern and Temprary Employment





B. A. - political science

American University

M. A. - early modern political philosophy

University of Chicago

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brian Torre

What company does Brian Torre work for?
Brian Torre works for Insurance Archaeology Group as President
What is Brian Torre’s role in Insurance Archaeology Group?
Brian Torre’s role in Insurance Archaeology Group is President
What is Brian Torre’s email address?
Brian Torre’s email address is b***
What is Brian Torre’s business email address?
Brian Torre’s business email address is b***
What is Brian Torre’s direct phone number?
Brian Torre’s direct phone number is (646) ***-****
What is Brian Torre’s work phone number?
Brian Torre’s headquarters phone number is (212) 697-2680
What is Brian Torre’s latest job experience?
Brian Torre’s latest job experience is Intern and Temprary Employment at Various
What is Brian Torre’s latest education?
Brian Torre’s latest education in B. A. - political science at American University
Which industry does Brian Torre work in?
Brian Torre works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Brian Torre’s peers at other companies?
Brian Torre’s peers at other companies are Alex Zolotarev, Rodolfo Gomez, Charles Zhao, Dean Ren, Helen Ha.
Who are Brian Torre’s colleagues?
Some of Brian Torre’s colleagues are Clifford Briggs, Therese Walker, Sheila Mulrennan, Alexis Giuffre.
How can I contact Brian Torre?
Brian Torre contact details: Email address: b*** Phone number: (646) ***-****
Who is Brian Torre?

Brian Torre is a President at Insurance Archaeology Group based in New York City, New York. Previously, Brian was an Intern and Temprary Employment at Various. Brian received a B. A. degree from American University and a M. A. from University of Chicago.... Read More

Where is Brian Torre based?
Brian Torre works for Insurance Archaeology Group, located at United States
Who is Insurance Archaeology Group’s President?
Insurance Archaeology Group's President is Brian Torre
See more information about Brian Torre

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