2014-present (11 years)
Brian Popoff Email & Phone number
Brian Popoff Current Workplace
Tower 4 4th to 8th Floor Equinox Business Park Lbs Marg Kurla W, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400070, India
Phone Number
+91 2266591968
Number of Employees
Brian Popoff Work Experience Summary
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5About Brian Popoff
Brian Popoff is a Partner at Tata Communications based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Previously, Brian was a Partner at EYP Lithuania and also held positions at The Dage Group, Capgemini, Skybus Airlines, Accenture, Tata Communications.
Brian received a Bachelor of Science degree from North Dakota State University and a Master of Business Administration from Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management.
Brian Popoff Current Workplace
Tata Communications
Tata Communications is a telecommunications company providing network, cloud, mobility, collaboration, and security services. The company is headquartered in Mumbai, India.
Brian Popoff Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brian Popoff
Brian Popoff is a Partner at Tata Communications based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Previously, Brian was a Partner at EYP Lithuania and also held positions at The Dage Group, Capgemini, Skybus Airlines, Accenture, Tata Communications. Brian received a Bachelor of Science degree from North Dakota State University and a Master of Business Administratio...