
Brian Nedrow

Administrator at Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce

Brian Nedrow Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(248) ***-****

Brian Nedrow Current Workplace



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Brian Nedrow Work Experience Summary

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About Brian Nedrow

Brian Nedrow is an Administrator at Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce based in Walled Lake, Michigan. Previously, Brian was a President at Wolverine Lake Powered.Explore more

Brian Nedrow Current Workplace

Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce

2020-present (5 years)

The mission of the Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce is to partner with business, civic and other community interests to provide a forum for their respective concerns, while providing business advocacy in the economic development of the Greater West Oakland area. Many people think a Chamber of Commerce is part of their local government. Although at times we work closely with them, the chamber is not a part of the local government. Our purpose is to improve the quality of life for businesses and residents in the lakes area. We act as a unified voice on behalf of the business community, and provide a forum to discuss and review topics of interest within the lakes area. In addition, we serve as a source of information and develop programs that are responsive to the needs of the communities we serve.

Brian Nedrow Work Experience & Education

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Work Experience

Work Experience


Wolverine Lake Powered


Org Chart - Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brian Nedrow

What company does Brian Nedrow work for?
Brian Nedrow works for Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce as Administrator
What is Brian Nedrow’s role in Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce?
Brian Nedrow’s role in Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce is Administrator
What is Brian Nedrow’s email address?
Brian Nedrow’s email address is b***@wolverinelake.com
What is Brian Nedrow’s business email address?
Brian Nedrow’s business email address is b***@wolverinelake.com
What is Brian Nedrow’s direct phone number?
Brian Nedrow’s direct phone number is (248) ***-****
What is Brian Nedrow’s work phone number?
Brian Nedrow’s headquarters phone number is (248) 624-2826
What is Brian Nedrow’s latest job experience?
Brian Nedrow’s latest job experience is President at Wolverine Lake Powered
Which industry does Brian Nedrow work in?
Brian Nedrow works in the industry of Organizations General, Organizations.
Who are Brian Nedrow’s peers at other companies?
Brian Nedrow’s peers at other companies are Kiran Deogadkar, Amber Polcher, Lauren Cooper, David Shemwell, Laura Farrell.
Who are Brian Nedrow’s colleagues?
Some of Brian Nedrow’s colleagues are Rik Kowall, Sydney Lawson, Nicole Palmer, Jason Outman.
How can I contact Brian Nedrow?
Brian Nedrow contact details: Email address: b***@wolverinelake.com Phone number: (248) ***-****
Who is Brian Nedrow?

Brian Nedrow is an Administrator at Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce based in Walled Lake, Michigan. Previously, Brian was a President at Wolverine Lake Powered.... Read More

Where is Brian Nedrow based?
Brian Nedrow works for Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, located at United States
See more information about Brian Nedrow

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