
Brian McEvilly

Employee Benefits Consultant at USI

Brian McEvilly Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(***) ***-****

Brian McEvilly Current Workplace




Phone Number

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Brian McEvilly Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Brian McEvilly

Brian McEvilly is an Employee Benefits Consultant at USI based in Valhalla, New York. Previously, Brian was a Business Owner at McEvilly Benefits and also held positions at Alera Group. Brian received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Creighton University.Explore more

Brian McEvilly Current Workplace


2022-present (2 years)

USI combines industry leading national capabilities delivered through longstanding, passionate and committed local service teams. USI stands for Understand, Service and Innovate. At USI we work to Understand the specific needs of our clients, to provide an unparalleled local Service experience, and to Innovate with cutting edge solutions so our clients can continue to invest and grow. The power of USI, and our ability to bring best-in-class solutions and services to our clients and our communities, is achieved through the collective knowledge and experience of our professionals coming together as ONE.

Brian McEvilly Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Business Owner

McEvilly Benefits


Director, Life & Health Department

Alera Group



McEvilly Benefits


Insurance Broker

Grady & Associates




Bachelor of Arts

Creighton University

Org Chart - USI


Employee Benefits Consultant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brian McEvilly

What company does Brian McEvilly work for?
Brian McEvilly works for USI as Employee Benefits Consultant
What is Brian McEvilly’s role in USI?
Brian McEvilly’s role in USI is Employee Benefits Consultant
What is Brian McEvilly’s email address?
Brian McEvilly’s email address is b***@usi.com
What is Brian McEvilly’s business email address?
Brian McEvilly’s business email address is b***@usi.com
What is Brian McEvilly’s direct phone number?
Brian McEvilly’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Brian McEvilly’s work phone number?
Brian McEvilly’s headquarters phone number is (866) 657-0861
What is Brian McEvilly’s latest job experience?
Brian McEvilly’s latest job experience is Business Owner at McEvilly Benefits
What is Brian McEvilly’s latest education?
Brian McEvilly’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Creighton University
Which industry does Brian McEvilly work in?
Brian McEvilly works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Brian McEvilly’s peers at other companies?
Brian McEvilly’s peers at other companies are Teresa Rogell, Aj Elliot, B. Brockman, Dawn Miller Kay, Maria Margro.
Who are Brian McEvilly’s colleagues?
Some of Brian McEvilly’s colleagues are Shawn Dietrich, Teresa Aic, Amber Cowan, John Hilton.
How can I contact Brian McEvilly?
Brian McEvilly contact details: Email address: b***@usi.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Brian McEvilly?

Brian McEvilly is an Employee Benefits Consultant at USI based in Valhalla, New York. Previously, Brian was a Business Owner at McEvilly Benefits and also held positions at Alera Group. Brian received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Creighton University.... Read More

Where is Brian McEvilly based?
Brian McEvilly works for USI, located at United States
See more information about Brian McEvilly

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