2011-present (14 years)
Brian McEvilly Email & Phone number
Brian McEvilly Current Workplace
94 Icon, Foothill Ranch, California, 92610, United States
Phone Number
(949) 206-7900
Number of Employees
Brian McEvilly Work Experience Summary
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4About Brian McEvilly
Brian McEvilly is an Opto-Mechanical Engineer at RED Digital Cinema Camera based in Foothill Ranch, California.
Previously, Brian was a Chief Engineer at Corning Oca and also held positions at Ford Aerospace.
Brian received a Bachelor of Science degree from University Of Detroit Mercy.
Brian McEvilly Current Workplace
RED Digital Cinema Camera
RED Digital Cinema is a leading manufacturer of professional digital cameras and accessories. In 2006, RED began a revolution with the 4K RED ONE digital cinema camera. By 2008, RED released the DSMC (Digital Stills and Motion Camera) system that allowed the same camera to be used on features like "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2" and "The Hobbit" trilogy, television series such as "Stranger Things" and "Russian Doll," and magazine covers like "Vogue" and "Harper's Bazaar. RED's DSMC2 camera offers four incredible sensor options - DRAGON-X 5K S35, GEMINI 5K S35, HELIUM 8K S35, MONSTRO 8K VV - combined with a modular, compact and lightweight design, superior image quality and cutting-edge performance. RED's RANGER camera system provides an integrated, all-in-one configuration with MONSTRO, HELIUM, and GEMINI sensor options.
Brian McEvilly Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brian McEvilly
Brian McEvilly is an Opto-Mechanical Engineer at RED Digital Cinema Camera based in Foothill Ranch, California. Previously, Brian was a Chief Engineer at Corning Oca and also held positions at Ford Aerospace. Brian received a Bachelor of Science degree from University Of Detroit Mercy....