
Brian Goff

Licensed Clinical Psychologist at Brian Goff PhD

Brian Goff Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Brian Goff Current Workplace


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Brian Goff Work Experience Summary

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About Brian Goff

Brian Goff is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist at Brian Goff PhD based in Portland, Oregon. Previously, Brian was a Founder & Supervising Director, Clinical at Evergreen Clinical and also held positions at Bridge Meadows, George Fox University, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland DBT Institute.Explore more

Brian Goff Current Workplace

Brian Goff PhD

2009-present (16 years)

Brian Goff, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist offering individual psychotherapy services focused on various mental health struggles, including depression, anxiety, and stress management. Utilizing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), he aims to provide practical and supportive therapeutic experiences that help clients lead meaningful lives. His services cater primarily to adult individuals, and he is an in-network provider with several insurance companies. With over 25 years of experience, he combines empirical support with mindfulness techniques to address a broad range of mental health issues.

Brian Goff Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience


Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton


Clinical Faculty

George Fox University


Affiliate Faculty

Oregon Health & Science University


Founder & Supervising Director, Clinical

Evergreen Clinical




Ph. D

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Member Board Of Directors

Bridge Meadows


Org Chart - Brian Goff PhD


Licensed Clinical Psychologist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brian Goff

What company does Brian Goff work for?
Brian Goff works for Brian Goff PhD as Licensed Clinical Psychologist
What is Brian Goff’s role in Brian Goff PhD?
Brian Goff’s role in Brian Goff PhD is Licensed Clinical Psychologist
What is Brian Goff’s email address?
Brian Goff’s email address is b***@briangoffphd.com
What is Brian Goff’s business email address?
Brian Goff’s business email address is b***@briangoffphd.com
What is Brian Goff’s direct phone number?
Brian Goff’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Brian Goff’s work phone number?
Brian Goff’s headquarters phone number is (503) 224-0482
What is Brian Goff’s latest job experience?
Brian Goff’s latest job experience is Co-Host at Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton
Which industry does Brian Goff work in?
Brian Goff works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Brian Goff’s peers at other companies?
Brian Goff’s peers at other companies are Erin Shockey, Janine Rinderle, Toni Hill, Shannon Hyland, Amy Calabrese.
How can I contact Brian Goff?
Brian Goff contact details: Email address: b***@briangoffphd.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Brian Goff?

Brian Goff is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist at Brian Goff PhD based in Portland, Oregon. Previously, Brian was a Founder & Supervising Director, Clinical at Evergreen Clinical and also held positions at Bridge Meadows, George Fox University, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland DBT Institute.... Read More

Where is Brian Goff based?
Brian Goff works for Brian Goff PhD, located at United States
See more information about Brian Goff

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