2002-present (22 years)
Brian Bouchard Email & Phone number
Brian Bouchard Current Workplace
530 Lytton Ave Fl 2, Palo Alto, California, 94301, United States
Phone Number
(650) 646-2670
Number of Employees
Brian Bouchard Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
2Average duration at a company (years)
13Number of job titles
2About Brian Bouchard
Brian Bouchard is the Co-founder, President & Chief Executive Officer at Alacrinet, based in Palo Alto, United States. They were previously a Global Services Consultant at IBM. Bouchard holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Hawai'i - Shidler College of Business, where they are responsible for leading the company's strategic vision and overseeing all operations.
Brian Bouchard Current Workplace
Alacrinet is a leading information technology consulting firm that has been implementing and managing enterprise IT solutions for over 18 years. As a full service partner, Alacrinet helps address clients' needs from beginning analysis through evaluation, selection, implementation, and on-going management. Building lasting relationships with our clients is one of our core values and is closely linked to our client-centric, consultative approach. With a clear understanding of their full environment, we work with them to implement and manage the solutions that are right for their business. Our team brings together broad industry knowledge - from the latest hacking tricks to the leading solution features - and deep technical knowledge to give actionable insights to our clients. As an agile company, we quickly fit the skills needed to each client or situation.
Brian Bouchard Work Experience & Education
Recent News About Brian Bouchard
Leadership team
BRIAN BOUCHARD Brian Bouchard co-founded Alacrinet in 2002 to meet a growing demand for technology consulting services and to successfully deploy en...Leadership team
" Today, companies of all sizes are struggling to protect their sensitive data across an ever-expanding threat surface," said Brian Bouchard , Preside...Leadership team
"We've seen a tremendous response to the penetration testing services we launched last year and want to take it to the next level with in-house resear...Leadership team
"The cybersecurity industry continues to shift based on new technologies and new threats," says Brian Bouchard .
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brian Bouchard
Brian Bouchard is the Co-founder, President & Chief Executive Officer at Alacrinet, based in Palo Alto, United States. They were previously a Global Services Consultant at IBM. Bouchard holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Hawai'i - Shidler College of Business, where they are responsible for leading the company's strat...