Brenda Suttles

Office Manager at Mathews Auto Group

Brenda Suttles Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Brenda Suttles Current Workplace


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Brenda Suttles Work Experience Summary

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About Brenda Suttles

Brenda Suttles is an Office Manager at Mathews Auto Group based in Marion, Ohio.Explore more

Brenda Suttles Current Workplace

Mathews Auto Group

2009-present (16 years)

When you have decided it is a good time to transform your daily drives by upgrading your current vehicle, Mathews Auto Group removes all of the usual stresses involved in the process to make your car-buying experience better than you ever thought possible. Every single member of our approachable, knowledgeable sales team wholeheartedly believes in following the philosophy of providing professional automotive assistance without you feeling any sort of pressure and ensuring you select the model that matches your lifestyle and budget perfectly. This is just one of the many reasons why prospective buyers from around the Central Ohio area consistently choose Mathews Auto Group for their automobile needs. Whether you are in the market for a luxurious sedan, exceptionally dependable truck, or capable sport utility vehicle for off-road adventures, our welcoming locations in Marion, Health, Sandusky, Oregon, Mt. Vernon, and Bucyrus, OH always carry wide-ranging inventories to present you with nSee more

Brenda Suttles Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience


BFS Express


Org Chart - Mathews Auto Group


Office Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brenda Suttles

What company does Brenda Suttles work for?
Brenda Suttles works for Mathews Auto Group as Office Manager
What is Brenda Suttles’s role in Mathews Auto Group?
Brenda Suttles’s role in Mathews Auto Group is Office Manager
What is Brenda Suttles’s direct phone number?
Brenda Suttles’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Brenda Suttles’s work phone number?
Brenda Suttles’s headquarters phone number is (740) 387-1400
What is Brenda Suttles’s latest job experience?
Brenda Suttles’s latest job experience is Owner at BFS Express
Which industry does Brenda Suttles work in?
Brenda Suttles works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Dealers, Retail.
Who are Brenda Suttles’s peers at other companies?
Brenda Suttles’s peers at other companies are Shauna McCan, Rachel Nicholson, Kerri Kaplan, Beverly Preble, Andrea Twomey.
Who are Brenda Suttles’s colleagues?
Some of Brenda Suttles’s colleagues are Jesse Haughn, Toby Clark.
Who is Brenda Suttles?

Brenda Suttles is an Office Manager at Mathews Auto Group based in Marion, Ohio.... Read More

Where is Brenda Suttles based?
Brenda Suttles works for Mathews Auto Group, located at United States
See more information about Brenda Suttles

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