Brandi Livingston

Director at Fletcher United Methodist Church

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(828) ***-****

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About Brandi Livingston

Brandi Livingston is a Director at Fletcher United Methodist Church based in Fletcher, North Carolina.Explore more

Brandi Livingston Current Workplace

Fletcher United Methodist Church

2017-present (8 years)

Fletcher United Methodist Church had its start in 1856 at Pattys Chapel, about a mile and a half from the churchs present location, named after Rev. Raphael Patty. Our current chapel, formerly our main sanctuary, at 50 Library Road, was built in 1928 at a cost of $15,000. The land was donated by the Poteat family, who were members of the church. The first expansion took place in 1948. In 1965, our weekday kindergarten program began, a much needed service in the community. Our newest wing to the church, where our current Sonshine Preschool is located, was built under a Duke Endowment fund in 1969. In 2018, we completed and dedicated a new sanctuary and office to expand our church and its ministries. Come and join us and our pastor, Randy Sherrill, at 8:30am and 11:00am every Sunday with Sunday school at 9:45am. Well save you a seat or pew, actually!

Org Chart - Fletcher United Methodist Church






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brandi Livingston

What company does Brandi Livingston work for?
Brandi Livingston works for Fletcher United Methodist Church as Director
What is Brandi Livingston’s role in Fletcher United Methodist Church?
Brandi Livingston’s role in Fletcher United Methodist Church is Director
What is Brandi Livingston’s direct phone number?
Brandi Livingston’s direct phone number is (828) ***-****
What is Brandi Livingston’s work phone number?
Brandi Livingston’s headquarters phone number is (828) 684-7155
Which industry does Brandi Livingston work in?
Brandi Livingston works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Brandi Livingston’s peers at other companies?
Brandi Livingston’s peers at other companies are Raul Gonzalez, Tami Fletcher, Kayla Bageant, John Lorenz, David Shaffer.
Who are Brandi Livingston’s colleagues?
Some of Brandi Livingston’s colleagues are Belinda Winkle, Christina Russell, Jan Kelly, Cathy Bashaw.
Who is Brandi Livingston?

Brandi Livingston is a Director at Fletcher United Methodist Church based in Fletcher, North Carolina.... Read More

Where is Brandi Livingston based?
Brandi Livingston works for Fletcher United Methodist Church, located at United States
See more information about Brandi Livingston

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