Brandi Johnson

Assistant Director at Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City

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(***) ***-****

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About Brandi Johnson

Brandi Johnson is an Assistant Director at Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City based in Union City, Georgia.Explore more

Brandi Johnson Current Workplace

Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City, Inc. In all that we do, our purpose is to honor and glorify our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In order to fulfill the command given In the Great Commission, go and teach all nations it is necessary for us to reach the Union City community, and the surrounding areas, seeking to reach the unsaved, the unchurched, and persons new to the area. In order to accomplish this task, we must teach and train our members to be effective and bold witnesses for the Lord. We must develop and equip them to be ready for any opportunity to present Christ to the unsaved. Personal development will be achieved through the Sunday school, Worship Services, Bible Study, Discipleship Training Classes, Witnessing, and Practical Information Workshops. We will provide gospel tracts and other helpful information. We will also support foreign missions, by assisting missionaries and their evangelistic ministries, as well as in person hands on assistance and our outreach is aSee more

Org Chart - Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City


Assistant Director




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brandi Johnson

What company does Brandi Johnson work for?
Brandi Johnson works for Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City as Assistant Director
What is Brandi Johnson’s role in Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City?
Brandi Johnson’s role in Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City is Assistant Director
What is Brandi Johnson’s email address?
Brandi Johnson’s email address is b***@uniongroveucga.com
What is Brandi Johnson’s business email address?
Brandi Johnson’s business email address is b***@uniongroveucga.com
What is Brandi Johnson’s direct phone number?
Brandi Johnson’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Brandi Johnson’s work phone number?
Brandi Johnson’s headquarters phone number is (770) 964-4853
Which industry does Brandi Johnson work in?
Brandi Johnson works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Brandi Johnson’s peers at other companies?
Brandi Johnson’s peers at other companies are Brittany Smith, Saqlain Tajammal, Lance Walker, Michael Gillam, Samantha Boswell.
How can I contact Brandi Johnson?
Brandi Johnson contact details: Email address: b***@uniongroveucga.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Brandi Johnson?

Brandi Johnson is an Assistant Director at Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City based in Union City, Georgia.... Read More

Where is Brandi Johnson based?
Brandi Johnson works for Union Grove Baptist Church of Union City, located at United States
See more information about Brandi Johnson

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