Brandi Brady

Manager, Operations at Goodrich and Associates

Brandi Brady Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Brandi Brady Current Workplace



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Brandi Brady Work Experience Summary

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About Brandi Brady

Since 2006, Brandi has been making sure we run a tight ship at Goodrich & Associates. Her meticulous attention to detail shines through in every project she tackles in the office. And when she's not hard at work here, you'll likely find her playing outdoors with her kids, exercising, or training for the next big paddle race. Contact Brandi:Explore more

Brandi Brady Current Workplace

Goodrich and Associates

2023-present (1 year)

Goodrich & Associates, LLC is a family-owned financial planning firm founded in 1982, focusing on long-term investment strategies and asset management. They serve clients primarily in Bellingham, WA, as well as in 17 states and four countries, emphasizing the importance of personal relationships and referrals. Their services include wealth accumulation strategies, personal and small business financial planning, and diverse retirement investment options. With over 65 years of combined experience, the firm aims to help clients navigate their financial futures with tailored plans and proactive communication.

Brandi Brady Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Manager, Operations



Manager, Operations

Raymond James


Org Chart - Goodrich and Associates


Manager, Operations




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Brandi Brady

What company does Brandi Brady work for?
Brandi Brady works for Goodrich and Associates as Manager, Operations
What is Brandi Brady’s role in Goodrich and Associates?
Brandi Brady’s role in Goodrich and Associates is Manager, Operations
What is Brandi Brady’s email address?
Brandi Brady’s email address is b***@raymondjames.com
What is Brandi Brady’s business email address?
Brandi Brady’s business email address is b***@raymondjames.com
What is Brandi Brady’s direct phone number?
Brandi Brady’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Brandi Brady’s work phone number?
Brandi Brady’s headquarters phone number is (360) 671-0226
What is Brandi Brady’s latest job experience?
Brandi Brady’s latest job experience is Manager, Operations at Ga&to
Which industry does Brandi Brady work in?
Brandi Brady works in the industry of Investment Banking, Finance.
Who are Brandi Brady’s peers at other companies?
Brandi Brady’s peers at other companies are Amina Mittochi, Narda McCarthy, Julie Consoli, Tammy Wright, Candy Dillon.
How can I contact Brandi Brady?
Brandi Brady contact details: Email address: b***@raymondjames.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Brandi Brady?

Since 2006, Brandi has been making sure we run a tight ship at Goodrich & Associates. Her meticulous attention to detail shines through in every project she tackles in the office. And when she's not hard at work here, you'll likely find her playing outdoors with her kids, exercising, or training for the next big paddle race. Contact Brandi:... Read More

Where is Brandi Brady based?
Brandi Brady works for Goodrich and Associates, located at United States
See more information about Brandi Brady

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