Bouzgarrou Ibtihel

Formatrice at Challenge Consulting

Bouzgarrou Ibtihel Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Bouzgarrou Ibtihel Current Workplace


Number of Employees

Bouzgarrou Ibtihel Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Bouzgarrou Ibtihel

Bouzgarrou Ibtihel is a Formatrice at Challenge Consulting based in Monastir, Al Munastir. Previously, Bouzgarrou was a Stage Mémoire Fin D'éTudes at Societe Generale and also held positions at Attijari bank, Banque Zitouna.Explore more

Bouzgarrou Ibtihel Current Workplace

Challenge Consulting

2021-present (4 years)

Challenge Consulting Company est un Cabinet d'audit, de certification, de consulting, bureau d'études et école de formation professionnelle, dûment agrée par le l'Etat Tunisien et compte parmi les organismes qui recourent à ses services et lui font confiance d’un nombre important de ministères et entreprises des secteurs public et privé. nos services sont les suivants: - Formation professionnelle initiale en plusieurs spécialités (Diplômes homologués BTS et BTP) - Formation et conseil aux entreprises: industrie, hôtellerie & service, - Formation et conseil en systèmes de management Qualité ISO 9001, HACCP, Hygiène -Sécurité alimentaire ISO 22000 et Environnement ISO 14001, - Formation et conseil programme du Tourisme Durable Norme Green Globe,Écolabel Tunisien - Conseil et assistance en management aux entreprises : industrie, hôtellerie & services, - Réalisation d’études et audits en management, ISO 9001 ISO 22000, ISO 14001, - Formation et conseil Gestion environnementale profitable GSee more

Bouzgarrou Ibtihel Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Stage Mémoire Fin D'éTudes

Societe Generale


Assistante Administrative

école canadienne de sousse, L'Acadie


Enseignante De La Langue Anglaise

Oxford center


Comptable (Stage PFE)

cabinet d’expertise comptable « hatem fathallah »


Org Chart - Challenge Consulting






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bouzgarrou Ibtihel

What company does Bouzgarrou Ibtihel work for?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel works for Challenge Consulting as Formatrice
What is Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s role in Challenge Consulting?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s role in Challenge Consulting is Formatrice
What is Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s email address?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s email address is i***@challenge-consulting-company.tn
What is Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s business email address?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s business email address is i***@challenge-consulting-company.tn
What is Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s direct phone number?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s latest job experience?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s latest job experience is Stage Mémoire Fin D'éTudes at Societe Generale
Which industry does Bouzgarrou Ibtihel work in?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel works in the industry of Management Consulting, Business Services.
Who are Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s peers at other companies?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s peers at other companies are Fatima Sabotar, Marjolaine Gilbert, Khadija Bouhafid, Ilham Ouamari, Salma Jahouri.
Who are Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s colleagues?
Some of Bouzgarrou Ibtihel’s colleagues are Ons Sekma, Mohamed Mohamed, Taycir Agrebi.
How can I contact Bouzgarrou Ibtihel?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel contact details: Email address: i***@challenge-consulting-company.tn Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Bouzgarrou Ibtihel?

Bouzgarrou Ibtihel is a Formatrice at Challenge Consulting based in Monastir, Al Munastir. Previously, Bouzgarrou was a Stage Mémoire Fin D'éTudes at Societe Generale and also held positions at Attijari bank, Banque Zitouna.... Read More

Where is Bouzgarrou Ibtihel based?
Bouzgarrou Ibtihel works for Challenge Consulting, located at Tunisia
See more information about Bouzgarrou Ibtihel

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