Bolanle Bolanle

Head HR Administrator at Data Recovery Specialist

Bolanle Bolanle Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Bolanle Bolanle Work Experience Summary

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About Bolanle Bolanle

Bolanle is the Head HR Administrator at Data Recovery Specialist, where she is responsible for overseeing the company's human resources operations. Prior to her current role, she served as a Board Member at the same organization. Bolanle holds a degree from the De-Paul University for the Accelerated Computer Career Program, where she honed her expertise in the field of data recovery and management.Explore more

Bolanle Bolanle Current Workplace

Data Recovery Specialist

2021-present (4 years)

Over time, we entered into partnership and affiliations with several other specialized Data Rescue leaders across the globe, this affords us the luxury of being able to resolve ALL cases brought to our Laboratory. We are the last resort Organization with the capabilities to salvage inaccessible data files for both corporate and individual entities, irrespective of how long it happened, how old is the media, the media type, and the technology. Besides reactive recovery, we also deploy Automated Data Loss Prevention Solutions that will guarantee peace of mind and ensure there are no prolonged downtimes as a result of data unavailability. We have assisted several Organizations and Individuals to continue their businesses after recovering their hitherto lost and inaccessible information assets. We are the best chance of getting your data back, irrespective of the Disk Size, Operating Systems, or Technologies. Absolute Confidentiality is maintained for every media handled by our Team of EngSee more

Bolanle Bolanle Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



De-Paul University for the Accelerated Computer Career Program
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Member

Data Recovery Specialist


Org Chart - Data Recovery Specialist


Head HR Administrator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bolanle Bolanle

What company does Bolanle Bolanle work for?
Bolanle Bolanle works for Data Recovery Specialist as Head HR Administrator
What is Bolanle Bolanle’s role in Data Recovery Specialist?
Bolanle Bolanle’s role in Data Recovery Specialist is Head HR Administrator
What is Bolanle Bolanle’s direct phone number?
Bolanle Bolanle’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Bolanle Bolanle’s work phone number?
Bolanle Bolanle’s headquarters phone number is +234 8035639710
Which industry does Bolanle Bolanle work in?
Bolanle Bolanle works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Bolanle Bolanle’s peers at other companies?
Bolanle Bolanle’s peers at other companies are Ngozi Alily, Pradnya Kulkarni, Rupali Bagaddeo, Bhawna Khemnani, Teesta Mondal.
Who are Bolanle Bolanle’s colleagues?
Some of Bolanle Bolanle’s colleagues are Harrison Adeniji, Bolanle Omotoso.
Who is Bolanle Bolanle?

Bolanle is the Head HR Administrator at Data Recovery Specialist, where she is responsible for overseeing the company's human resources operations. Prior to her current role, she served as a Board Member at the same organization. Bolanle holds a degree from the De-Paul University for the Accelerated Computer Career Program, where she honed her expe... rtise in the field of data recovery and management.Read More

Where is Bolanle Bolanle based?
Bolanle Bolanle works for Data Recovery Specialist, located at Nigeria
See more information about Bolanle Bolanle

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