2016-present (8 years)
Bodie Jiles Email & Phone number
Bodie Jiles Current Workplace
2500 W Lexington Ave Ste C, Elkhart, Indiana, 46514, United States
Phone Number
(574) 575-4319
Number of Employees
Bodie Jiles Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
3About Bodie Jiles
Bodie Jiles is an Auto Technician at Tom Naquin based in Elkhart, Indiana.
Previously, Bodie was an Automotive Service Advisor at Sorg Dodge and also held positions at Gurley Leep Automotive Family.
Bodie Jiles Current Workplace
Tom Naquin
At Tom Naquin Chevrolet Cadillac, our sales department is staffed by a group of highly motivated and well trained sales professionals who are committed to one thing... the total satisfaction of our customers. Buying a new vehicle involves many little decisions that culminate to the final purchase. Our Sales Team is available to answer any questions that you might have concerning GM vehicle. They can also help with certified and quality pre-owned vehicles. Stop by the dealership today or give us a call and let us earn your business.
Bodie Jiles Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bodie Jiles
Bodie Jiles is an Auto Technician at Tom Naquin based in Elkhart, Indiana. Previously, Bodie was an Automotive Service Advisor at Sorg Dodge and also held positions at Gurley Leep Automotive Family....