Bob Empey

Manager, Fleet at Stoughton Area School District

Bob Empey Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(608) ***-****

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About Bob Empey

Bob Empey is a Manager, Fleet at Stoughton Area School District based in Stoughton, Wisconsin. Previously, Bob was a Board Member at Wisconsin Wrestling Federation.Explore more

Bob Empey Current Workplace

Stoughton Area School District

2004-present (21 years)

Read our Phase 3 Reopening email to families and complete our form by Monday, March 15 at 8 a.m. Public Comment: As part of the regular meeting, the Board will accept comments from members of the public. Written comments for the regular board meeting should be submitted via email to Public.Comments@stoughton.k12. wi.us up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Comments must not exceed 250 words and must include the name and address of the commenter. Comments that do not meet these criteria or otherwise do not comply with the Board's public comment policy will not be read. Located in south central Wisconsin, the Stoughton Area School District is an award-winning school system that consistently posts a higher graduation rate than many Dane County schools and has garnered national recognition for its educational practices. We offer three elementary schools, one middle level school, one high school and a virtual school through a consortium of other area school districts. Our distSee more

Bob Empey Work Experience & Education

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Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Stoughton Area School District


Manager, Fleet




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bob Empey

What company does Bob Empey work for?
Bob Empey works for Stoughton Area School District as Manager, Fleet
What is Bob Empey’s role in Stoughton Area School District?
Bob Empey’s role in Stoughton Area School District is Manager, Fleet
What is Bob Empey’s email address?
Bob Empey’s email address is b***@stoughton.k12.wi.us
What is Bob Empey’s business email address?
Bob Empey’s business email address is b***@stoughton.k12.wi.us
What is Bob Empey’s direct phone number?
Bob Empey’s direct phone number is (608) ***-****
What is Bob Empey’s work phone number?
Bob Empey’s headquarters phone number is (608) 877-5000
Which industry does Bob Empey work in?
Bob Empey works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Bob Empey’s colleagues?
Some of Bob Empey’s colleagues are Tamara Kaiser, Mike Connor, Jenny McKenna, Allison Jorgensen.
How can I contact Bob Empey?
Bob Empey contact details: Email address: b***@stoughton.k12.wi.us Phone number: (608) ***-****
Who is Bob Empey?

Bob Empey is a Manager, Fleet at Stoughton Area School District based in Stoughton, Wisconsin. Previously, Bob was a Board Member at Wisconsin Wrestling Federation.... Read More

Where is Bob Empey based?
Bob Empey works for Stoughton Area School District, located at United States
See more information about Bob Empey

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