Bishal Bhardwaj

HR Business Partner at HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited

Bishal Bhardwaj Email & Phone number

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Bishal Bhardwaj Work Experience Summary

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About Bishal Bhardwaj

Bishal Bhardwaj is a HR Business Partner at HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Previously, Bishal was a Summer Intern at Parle Products and also held positions at New India Assurance, Bandhan Bank, Bharat Financial Inclusion. Bishal received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from NORTH EASTERN REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT(NERIM) and a Post Graduate Diploma of Management from Assam Institute of Management.Explore more

Bishal Bhardwaj Current Workplace

HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited (formerly HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited) ('HDFC Life' / 'Company') is a joint venture between HDFC Ltd., India's leading housing finance institution and Standard Life Aberdeen, a global investment company. Established in 2000, HDFC Life is a leading long-term life insurance solutions provider in India, offering a range of individual and group insurance solutions that meet various customer needs such as Protection, Pension, Savings, Investment, Annuity and Health. As on March 31, 2020, the Company had 37 individual and 11 group products in its portfolio, along with 6 optional rider benefits, catering to a diverse range of customer needs. HDFC Life continues to benefit from its increased presence across the country having a wide reach with 421 branches and additional distribution touch-points through several new tie-ups and partnerships. The count of our partnerships is in excess of 270, comprising traditional partners such as NBFCs, MFISee more

Bishal Bhardwaj Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Deputy Manager, Human Resources

Bandhan Bank


Summer Intern

Parle Products


Graduation Project

New India Assurance




Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA, Marketing and HR


Post Graduate Diploma of Management

Assam Institute of Management

Org Chart - HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited


HR Business Partner




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bishal Bhardwaj

What company does Bishal Bhardwaj work for?
Bishal Bhardwaj works for HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited as HR Business Partner
What is Bishal Bhardwaj’s role in HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited?
Bishal Bhardwaj’s role in HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited is HR Business Partner
What is Bishal Bhardwaj’s direct phone number?
Bishal Bhardwaj’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Bishal Bhardwaj’s work phone number?
Bishal Bhardwaj’s headquarters phone number is +91 2267516666
What is Bishal Bhardwaj’s latest job experience?
Bishal Bhardwaj’s latest job experience is Deputy Manager, Human Resources at Bandhan Bank
What is Bishal Bhardwaj’s latest education?
Bishal Bhardwaj’s latest education in Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA, Marketing and HR at NORTH EASTERN REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT(NERIM)
Which industry does Bishal Bhardwaj work in?
Bishal Bhardwaj works in the industry of Insurance.
Who are Bishal Bhardwaj’s peers at other companies?
Bishal Bhardwaj’s peers at other companies are Heather Llamas, Sowmini Ramakrishnan, Frances Pietrucha, Mohit Kumar, Amanda Kleber.
Who are Bishal Bhardwaj’s colleagues?
Some of Bishal Bhardwaj’s colleagues are Sanjaya Panda, Amit Gohil, Bilal Qureshi, Chandrani Chatterjee.
Who is Bishal Bhardwaj?

Bishal Bhardwaj is a HR Business Partner at HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Previously, Bishal was a Summer Intern at Parle Products and also held positions at New India Assurance, Bandhan Bank, Bharat Financial Inclusion. Bishal received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from NORTH EASTERN RE... GIONAL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT(NERIM) and a Post Graduate Diploma of Management from Assam Institute of Management.Read More

Where is Bishal Bhardwaj based?
Bishal Bhardwaj works for HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited, located at India
See more information about Bishal Bhardwaj

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