2016-present (9 years)
Binny Rani Email & Phone number
Binny Rani Current Workplace
5775 Morehouse Dr, San Diego, California, 92121, United States
Phone Number
(858) 587-1121
Number of Employees
Binny Rani Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
5Number of job titles
4About Binny Rani
Binny Rani is a Senior Staff Engineer at Qualcomm, based in San Diego, United States. Prior to her current role, she served as a Senior ASIC Engineer at NVIDIA. Rani holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Thapar University. She is responsible for driving the development of cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions that power the latest advancements in the semiconductor industry.
Binny Rani Current Workplace
Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) is a world leader in 3G, 4G and next-generation wireless technologies. Qualcomm Incorporated includes Qualcomms licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of its patent portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of Qualcomms engineering, research and development functions, and substantially all of its products and services businesses, including its semiconductor business, QCT. For more than 25 years, Qualcomm ideas and inventions have driven the evolution of digital communications, linking people everywhere more closely to information, entertainment and each other.
Binny Rani Work Experience & Education
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Binny Rani
Binny Rani is a Senior Staff Engineer at Qualcomm, based in San Diego, United States. Prior to her current role, she served as a Senior ASIC Engineer at NVIDIA. Rani holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Thapar University. She is responsible for driving the development of cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions that power the lates...