Bill Siebert

President at Westwood Management

Bill Siebert Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(856) ***-****

Bill Siebert Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

About Bill Siebert

Bill Siebert is the President at Westwood Management. Previously, he was the VP Sales at Hunt Manufacturing. Based in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States, Siebert is responsible for leading the company's sales and business development efforts.Explore more

Bill Siebert Current Workplace

Westwood Management

2022-present (3 years)

Westwood Management is a well-established consultancy handling organization with an international network. Our Head Office is situated along Mombasa Road, founded in August 2004, Westwood Management has grown from strength to strength to establish itself as one of the leading companies in the industry. Our main objective and challenge is to provide unsurpassed superior services to customers based on personalised service hence our mission statement "A happy customer for life". Over the years, we have developed an operational network offering the highest caliber of services in all fields of Data centers, Hardware sales, IT consulting, and Software Sales. We believe in team spirit and strive on professionalism. Our operations are fully computerized and our staff is technically competent. Our company is built on a tradition of trust, supported by the goodwill of our clientele, and it is with this confidence that we have steered through into the new millennium without losing sight of the faSee more

Org Chart - Westwood Management






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bill Siebert

What company does Bill Siebert work for?
Bill Siebert works for Westwood Management as President
What is Bill Siebert’s role in Westwood Management?
Bill Siebert’s role in Westwood Management is President
What is Bill Siebert’s email address?
Bill Siebert’s email address is b***@westwoodkenya.com
What is Bill Siebert’s business email address?
Bill Siebert’s business email address is b***@westwoodkenya.com
What is Bill Siebert’s direct phone number?
Bill Siebert’s direct phone number is (856) ***-****
What is Bill Siebert’s work phone number?
Bill Siebert’s headquarters phone number is (413) 525-4010
Which industry does Bill Siebert work in?
Bill Siebert works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Bill Siebert’s peers at other companies?
Bill Siebert’s peers at other companies are Stephen Sweett, April Marlborough, Troy Paterson, Mike Clemmons, Adam Jones.
Who are Bill Siebert’s colleagues?
Some of Bill Siebert’s colleagues are Nikuze Richesse, Jing Yeh, John Keister, Fred Kitungo.
How can I contact Bill Siebert?
Bill Siebert contact details: Email address: b***@westwoodkenya.com Phone number: (856) ***-****
Who is Bill Siebert?

Bill Siebert is the President at Westwood Management. Previously, he was the VP Sales at Hunt Manufacturing. Based in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, United States, Siebert is responsible for leading the company's sales and business development efforts.... Read More

Where is Bill Siebert based?
Bill Siebert works for Westwood Management, located at United States
Who is Westwood Management’s President?
Westwood Management's President is Bill Siebert
See more information about Bill Siebert

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