2012-present (13 years)
Bill Homes Email & Phone number
Bill Homes Current Workplace
34661 Hwy 59 S, Stapleton, Alabama, 36578, United States
Phone Number
(251) 937-4935
Number of Employees
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Last Update 10/26/2024 1:17 AM
About Bill Homes
Bill Homes works at Bass Homes, which is a Commercial & Residential Construction company with an estimated 6 employees. Found email listings include: @billbassinc.com.Explore more
Bill Homes Current Workplace
Bass Homes
When Bass Homes started in 1983 in the Mobile Alabama area, our desire to make it economical and possible for hundreds of families to live in their own dream home became reality. Every home must fit and satisfy our customers' needs. This led to the design and building of the fine homes our new homes customers now enjoy. But I could not have done it myself. Professional construction crews and management, and an office staff that follows up on each detail with a personal touch has made Bass Homes what it is today. Talk about quality and excellent investment and you should think Bass Homes. We have twenty-seven house plans to choose from with many choices and options. It's a big responsibility, but a satisfying feeling when we see the smile on new homeowners who thought they could not afford a home of this caliber. We've become your "one stop builder". Floor plans, financing, lots or acreage, we do it all. Our home styles are traditional--lots of porches, steep roofs, fireplaces, bay windSee more
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