Bill CorwinA+

Bill Corwin

Chief Executive Officer at Mission Velocity

Bill Corwin Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Bill Corwin Current Workplace


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Bill Corwin Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Bill Corwin

Bill Corwin is the CEO of Mission Velocity, LLC. He is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and operations of the company. Prior to his current role, Corwin also served as CEO of Mission Velocity, LLC. He holds a BCA degree from IISE.Explore more

Bill Corwin Current Workplace

Mission Velocity

2017-present (7 years)

Mission Velocity helps nonprofits create the momentum needed to achieve their missions as fully as possible. We partner with our clients to accelerate and grow their impact through strategic planning and implementation, developing fundraising and earned revenue strategies, program design and assessment, and leadership coaching. Now more than ever, nonprofits must be able to pivot their programming and revenue strategies to respond to new circumstances and turn challenges into opportunities. Mission Velocity brings a wealth of successful experience in this regard, having helped many organizations to quickly adjust and thrive even in challenging times.

Bill Corwin Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President, Programs (US)

Save the Children US


Strategic Development Chief & Officer

National CASA Association




Bachelor of Arts

Brown University

Doctor of Jurisprudence

Columbia Law School

Org Chart - Mission Velocity

Profile Picture

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bill Corwin

What company does Bill Corwin work for?
Bill Corwin works for Mission Velocity as Chief Executive Officer
What is Bill Corwin’s role in Mission Velocity?
Bill Corwin’s role in Mission Velocity is Chief Executive Officer
What is Bill Corwin’s email address?
Bill Corwin’s email address is b***
What is Bill Corwin’s business email address?
Bill Corwin’s business email address is b***
What is Bill Corwin’s direct phone number?
Bill Corwin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Bill Corwin’s latest job experience?
Bill Corwin’s latest job experience is Vice President, Programs (US) at Save the Children US
What is Bill Corwin’s latest education?
Bill Corwin’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Brown University
Which industry does Bill Corwin work in?
Bill Corwin works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Bill Corwin’s peers at other companies?
Bill Corwin’s peers at other companies are Muzamil Shah, Brad Kreick, Robert Hetzel, Robin King, Karmia Berry.
How can I contact Bill Corwin?
Bill Corwin contact details: Email address: b*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Bill Corwin?

Bill Corwin is the CEO of Mission Velocity, LLC. He is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction and operations of the company. Prior to his current role, Corwin also served as CEO of Mission Velocity, LLC. He holds a BCA degree from IISE.... Read More

Where is Bill Corwin based?
Bill Corwin works for Mission Velocity, located at United States
Who is Mission Velocity’s Chief Executive Officer?
Mission Velocity's Chief Executive Officer is Bill Corwin
See more information about Bill Corwin

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