
Bill Biller

Senior Director, Strategic Program Management at Edwards Lifesciences

Bill Biller Email & Phone number


(714) ***-****

Bill Biller Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Bill Biller Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Bill Biller

Bill Biller is a Senior Director, Strategic Program Management at Edwards Lifesciences based in Irvine, California. Previously, Bill was a Director, Marketing at Edwards Lifesciences and also held positions at Becton, Dickinson, Anadys Pharmaceuticals, Nanostream. Bill received a BS degree from University of California , San Diego and a MBA from University of Southern California.

Bill Biller Current Workplace

Edwards Lifesciences

2019-present (6 years)

Founded in 1958, Edwards Lifesciences Corporation is an American medical equipment company specializing in artificial heart valves and hemodynamic monitoring. The company is headquartered in Irvine, California.

Bill Biller Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Associate Product Manager

Becton, Dickinson


Director, Marketing

Edwards Lifesciences


Marketing Intern



Associate Scientist

Anadys Pharmaceuticals




BS - Chemistry

University of California , San Diego


University of Southern California

Org Chart - Edwards Lifesciences

Bill Biller

Senior Director, Strategic Program ...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bill Biller

What company does Bill Biller work for?
Bill Biller works for Edwards Lifesciences as Senior Director, Strategic Program Management
What is Bill Biller’s role in Edwards Lifesciences?
Bill Biller’s role in Edwards Lifesciences is Senior Director, Strategic Program Management
What is Bill Biller’s email address?
Bill Biller’s email address is b***@edwards.com
What is Bill Biller’s business email address?
Bill Biller’s business email address is b***@edwards.com
What is Bill Biller’s direct phone number?
Bill Biller’s direct phone number is (714) ***-****
What is Bill Biller’s work phone number?
Bill Biller’s headquarters phone number is (949) 250-2500
What is Bill Biller’s latest job experience?
Bill Biller’s latest job experience is Associate Product Manager at Becton, Dickinson
What is Bill Biller’s latest education?
Bill Biller’s latest education in BS - Chemistry at University of California , San Diego
Which industry does Bill Biller work in?
Bill Biller works in the industry of Medical Devices & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Bill Biller’s colleagues?
Some of Bill Biller’s colleagues are Austin Young, Sovanpheap Mak, Melody Kuo, John Sy.
How can I contact Bill Biller?
Bill Biller contact details: Email address: b***@edwards.com Phone number: (714) ***-****
Who is Bill Biller?

Bill Biller is a Senior Director, Strategic Program Management at Edwards Lifesciences based in Irvine, California. Previously, Bill was a Director, Marketing at Edwards Lifesciences and also held positions at Becton, Dickinson, Anadys Pharmaceuticals, Nanostream. Bill received a BS degree from University of California , San Diego and a MBA from... University of Southern California.

Where is Bill Biller based?
Bill Biller works for Edwards Lifesciences, located at United States