Bidhan Roy

Senior Manager, Sales at MeritTrac Services Pvt

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(***) ***-****

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About Bidhan Roy

Bidhan Roy is a Senior Manager, Sales at MeritTrac Services Pvt. They hold a Bachelor of Technology degree from the West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata. With their extensive experience and expertise, Bidhan is responsible for driving the sales efforts and contributing to the growth and success of the organization.Explore more

Bidhan Roy Current Workplace

MeritTrac Services Pvt

2019-present (6 years)

Established in 2000, MeritTrac is a leading provider of innovative scientific assessment services to prominent educational institutions, government organisations and corporate entities. The company has extensive experience in test delivery, underpinned by a proven technology framework, helps organisations automate their end-to-end assessment processes. MeritTrac is also a founding member of the India Chapter of Association of Test Publishers - a global association of testing and assessment companies. To deliver these services, MeritTrac Pariksha & DSS play a key role. MeritTrac Pariksha -an online assessments platform, helps test administrators seamlessly author, design, schedule, deliver assessments and generate reports from the holistic testing solution. MeritTrac Pariksha is used for recruitment drives, internal promotions, entrance examinations for corporates, government sector entities and educational institutions as appropriate.

Org Chart - MeritTrac Services Pvt


Senior Manager, Sales




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bidhan Roy

What company does Bidhan Roy work for?
Bidhan Roy works for MeritTrac Services Pvt as Senior Manager, Sales
What is Bidhan Roy’s role in MeritTrac Services Pvt?
Bidhan Roy’s role in MeritTrac Services Pvt is Senior Manager, Sales
What is Bidhan Roy’s email address?
Bidhan Roy’s email address is b***@merittrac.com
What is Bidhan Roy’s business email address?
Bidhan Roy’s business email address is b***@merittrac.com
What is Bidhan Roy’s direct phone number?
Bidhan Roy’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Bidhan Roy’s work phone number?
Bidhan Roy’s headquarters phone number is +91 8071819100
Which industry does Bidhan Roy work in?
Bidhan Roy works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Bidhan Roy’s peers at other companies?
Bidhan Roy’s peers at other companies are Vanipriya Kyadas, Rehan Mirza, Rohan Bansali, Jeff Hedrick, Jeff Levy.
Who are Bidhan Roy’s colleagues?
Some of Bidhan Roy’s colleagues are Aarti Parab, Thiyagarajan Govindaraj, Mahesh Dashariya, Prachi Wanage.
How can I contact Bidhan Roy?
Bidhan Roy contact details: Email address: b***@merittrac.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Bidhan Roy?

Bidhan Roy is a Senior Manager, Sales at MeritTrac Services Pvt. They hold a Bachelor of Technology degree from the West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata. With their extensive experience and expertise, Bidhan is responsible for driving the sales efforts and contributing to the growth and success of the organization.... Read More

Where is Bidhan Roy based?
Bidhan Roy works for MeritTrac Services Pvt, located at India
See more information about Bidhan Roy

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