
Bhushan Jambavalikar

Director at Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private

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About Bhushan Jambavalikar

Bhushan Jambavalikar is a Director at Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.Explore more

Bhushan Jambavalikar Current Workplace

Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private

2014-present (11 years)

AASTHA Cleanroom Systems are the pioneers and total solution providers towards your ever changing needs of Cleanroom requirements. Presently based in the business capital of India, MUMBAI with a 14,000 sq. ft. manufacturing area with an expansion setup just 120Km from Mumbai in a Industrial Zone in Mahad MIDC, Dist. Raigad with an overall supportive infra-structural area of 1,50,000 sq. ft., production block of 40,000 sq. ft. which is fully equipped with the latest CNC/ NC manufacturing equipments. AASTHA has an in-house Epoxy /Polyester powder coating & wet coating plant setup. Having always welcomed technical challenges and backed with our competence for innovation and adaptation, we are proud today to be in a position where we are supplying our products to all major Pharmaceutical and Chemical Companies all over India & abroad. Due to the precise workmanship and quality standards strictly adhered to by us in fabrication, all products of our company are synonymous with world-class quSee more

Org Chart - Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bhushan Jambavalikar

What company does Bhushan Jambavalikar work for?
Bhushan Jambavalikar works for Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private as Director
What is Bhushan Jambavalikar’s role in Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private?
Bhushan Jambavalikar’s role in Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private is Director
What is Bhushan Jambavalikar’s email address?
Bhushan Jambavalikar’s email address is b***@aastha-india.com
What is Bhushan Jambavalikar’s business email address?
Bhushan Jambavalikar’s business email address is b***@aastha-india.com
What is Bhushan Jambavalikar’s direct phone number?
Bhushan Jambavalikar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
Which industry does Bhushan Jambavalikar work in?
Bhushan Jambavalikar works in the industry of Manufacturing General, Manufacturing.
Who are Bhushan Jambavalikar’s peers at other companies?
Bhushan Jambavalikar’s peers at other companies are Roy Chambers, Douglas Klimek, Wataru Konishi, Chris Waldorf, Zifu Wang.
Who are Bhushan Jambavalikar’s colleagues?
Some of Bhushan Jambavalikar’s colleagues are Shahzad Chougule, Aniket Kherade, Sachin Patil, Imran Khan.
How can I contact Bhushan Jambavalikar?
Bhushan Jambavalikar contact details: Email address: b***@aastha-india.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Bhushan Jambavalikar?

Bhushan Jambavalikar is a Director at Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private based in Mumbai, Maharashtra.... Read More

Where is Bhushan Jambavalikar based?
Bhushan Jambavalikar works for Aastha Cleanroom Systems Private, located at India
See more information about Bhushan Jambavalikar

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