Beverly Walker

Supervisor, Production at Leviton

Beverly Walker Email & Phone number


(630) ***-****

Beverly Walker Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Beverly Walker Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Beverly Walker

Beverly Walker is a Supervisor, Production at Leviton based in Melville, New York. Previously, Beverly was a Production Upervisor at Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies and also held positions at Ford, Graham Packaging. Beverly received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northern Illinois University.

Beverly Walker Current Workplace


2014-present (11 years)

Founded in 1906 and headquartered in Melville, New York, Leviton is a privately held global provider of electrical wiring devices, data center connectivity solutions, and lighting energy management systems.

Beverly Walker Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Supervisor, Production

Graham Packaging


Production Upervisor

Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies


Supervisor, Production





Bachelor of Arts

Northern Illinois University

Org Chart - Leviton

Beverly Walker

Supervisor, Production

Intent on Beverly Walker's Company


Interest in Beverly Walker's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Beverly Walker

What company does Beverly Walker work for?
Beverly Walker works for Leviton as Supervisor, Production
What is Beverly Walker’s role in Leviton?
Beverly Walker’s role in Leviton is Supervisor, Production
What is Beverly Walker’s email address?
Beverly Walker’s email address is b***@leviton.com
What is Beverly Walker’s business email address?
Beverly Walker’s business email address is b***@leviton.com
What is Beverly Walker’s direct phone number?
Beverly Walker’s direct phone number is (630) ***-****
What is Beverly Walker’s work phone number?
Beverly Walker’s headquarters phone number is (800) 323-8920
What is Beverly Walker’s latest job experience?
Beverly Walker’s latest job experience is Supervisor, Production at Graham Packaging
What is Beverly Walker’s latest education?
Beverly Walker’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Northern Illinois University
Which industry does Beverly Walker work in?
Beverly Walker works in the industry of Wire & Cable, Manufacturing.
Who are Beverly Walker’s peers at other companies?
Beverly Walker’s peers at other companies are Yoke Ha, Keith Miller, Dipak Pawar, Christopher Littleton, Mike Bin.
Who are Beverly Walker’s colleagues?
Some of Beverly Walker’s colleagues are Juby Vembenil, Kirk Fish, Elena Kushinskaya, Florence Terrien.
How can I contact Beverly Walker?
Beverly Walker contact details: Email address: b***@leviton.com Phone number: (630) ***-****
Who is Beverly Walker?

Beverly Walker is a Supervisor, Production at Leviton based in Melville, New York. Previously, Beverly was a Production Upervisor at Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies and also held positions at Ford, Graham Packaging. Beverly received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northern Illinois University....

Where is Beverly Walker based?
Beverly Walker works for Leviton, located at United States