
Betty Wai

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(***) ***-****

Betty Wai Current Workplace


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About Betty Wai

Betty Wai works at Kwok Tai Screws Manufactory, which is a Grocery Retail company with an estimated 19 employees. Found email listings include: @kwoktai.com.Explore more

Betty Wai Current Workplace

Kwok Tai Screws Manufactory

2012-present (13 years)

The annual revenue reached 10 million US Dollars. The manufactory has wide variety of machinery which providing Cold Forming and Thread Rolling, Screw Machinery, Stamping and also our own PLATING facilities. Nowadays, we provided all kinds of logistic arrangement in order to arrange direct shipment to the States, Singapore, Japan, Europe and mainland China. "Quality Products and Services" is always the philosophy of Kwok Tai Screws and we maintain a high level of Quality Management with the guidance of ISO9001 (2008). It can always provide the best confidence and satisfactions from customer worldwide. Together with Well Trained Staffs, Advance Inspection Equipment and Machinery. We provided various Fasteners in different material and forms. Besides, in the Social Responsibility and Sustainability, there are various programs in the incentive scheme for our staffs and their families for further studies as well as community development. In 2013, we also awarded ISO14000 certified. In 2018See more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Betty Wai

What is Betty Wai’s email address?
Betty Wai’s email address is b***@kwoktai.com
What is Betty Wai’s business email address?
Betty Wai’s business email address is b***@kwoktai.com
What is Betty Wai’s direct phone number?
Betty Wai’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Betty Wai’s work phone number?
Betty Wai’s headquarters phone number is +86 76987729676
Which industry does Betty Wai work in?
Betty Wai works in the industry of Grocery Retail, Retail.
Who are Betty Wai’s colleagues?
Some of Betty Wai’s colleagues are Paul Wu, Shirley Wu.
How can I contact Betty Wai?
Betty Wai contact details: Email address: b***@kwoktai.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Betty Wai based?
Betty Wai works for Kwok Tai Screws Manufactory, located at China
See more information about Betty Wai

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