
Betty Lo

Organizational Development Strategies and Change Management Solutions In Support of the Companys Global Supply Chain Programs at Newell Brands

Betty Lo Email & Phone number

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(770) ***-****

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About Betty Lo

Betty Lo is an Organizational Development Strategies and Change Management Solutions In Support of the Companys Global Supply Chain Programs at Newell Brands based in Atlanta, Georgia.Explore more

Betty Lo Current Workplace

Newell Brands

2011-present (14 years)

Newell Brands Inc. designs, sources, and distributes consumer and commercial products worldwide. The company offers markers and highlighters, pens, and pencils; art products; activity-based adhesive and cutting products; fine writing instruments; and labeling solutions under the Sharpie, Paper Mate, Expo, Prismacolor, Mr.Sketch, Elmer's, X-Acto, Parker, Waterman, and Dymo Office brands. It also provides indoor/outdoor organization, food storage, and home storage products; durable beverage containers; gourmet cookware, bakeware, and cutlery products; and hair care accessories under the Rubbermaid, Contigo, bubba, Calphalon, and Goody brands; and home fragrance products under the WoodWick Candle brand. In addition, the company offers hand and power tool accessories, industrial band saw blades, tools for HVAC systems, and industrial label makers and printers under the Irwin, Lenox, hilmor, and Dymo Industrial brands; cleaning and refuse products, hygiene systems, and material handling solSee more

Org Chart - Newell Brands


Organizational Development Strategi...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Betty Lo

What company does Betty Lo work for?
Betty Lo works for Newell Brands as Organizational Development Strategies and Change Management Solutions In Support of the Companys Global Supply Chain Programs
What is Betty Lo’s role in Newell Brands?
Betty Lo’s role in Newell Brands is Organizational Development Strategies and Change Management Solutions In Support of the Companys Global Supply Chain Programs
What is Betty Lo’s email address?
Betty Lo’s email address is l***@newellbrands.com
What is Betty Lo’s business email address?
Betty Lo’s business email address is l***@newellbrands.com
What is Betty Lo’s direct phone number?
Betty Lo’s direct phone number is (770) ***-****
What is Betty Lo’s work phone number?
Betty Lo’s headquarters phone number is (815) 235-4171
Who are Betty Lo’s colleagues?
Some of Betty Lo’s colleagues are Tammy Copeland, Tom Joseph, Victor Montero, Francisco Peguer.
How can I contact Betty Lo?
Betty Lo contact details: Email address: l***@newellbrands.com Phone number: (770) ***-****
Who is Betty Lo?

Betty Lo is an Organizational Development Strategies and Change Management Solutions In Support of the Companys Global Supply Chain Programs at Newell Brands based in Atlanta, Georgia.... Read More

Where is Betty Lo based?
Betty Lo works for Newell Brands, located at United States
See more information about Betty Lo

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