
Bernadette Chavira-Trull

Director at The University of Alabama

Bernadette Chavira-Trull Email & Phone number


(205) ***-****

Bernadette Chavira-Trull Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Bernadette Chavira-Trull Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Bernadette Chavira-Trull

Bernadette Chavira-Trull is a Director at The University of Alabama based in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Previously, Bernadette was a Vice President at Independent College Bookstore Association.

Bernadette Chavira-Trull Current Workplace

The University of Alabama

2005-present (20 years)

The University of Alabama, founded in 1831 and headquartered in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, is a student-centered research university and academic community.

Bernadette Chavira-Trull Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Org Chart - The University of Alabama

Bernadette Chavira-...


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bernadette Chavira-Trull

What company does Bernadette Chavira-Trull work for?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull works for The University of Alabama as Director
What is Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s role in The University of Alabama?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s role in The University of Alabama is Director
What is Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s email address?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s email address is b***@ua.edu
What is Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s business email address?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s business email address is b***@ua.edu
What is Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s direct phone number?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s direct phone number is (205) ***-****
What is Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s work phone number?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s headquarters phone number is (205) 348-6010
What is Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s latest job experience?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s latest job experience is Vice President at Independent College Bookstore Association
Which industry does Bernadette Chavira-Trull work in?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s peers at other companies?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s peers at other companies are Jessica Allendorf, S. Vince, Evan Feinglass, Martha Sutter, Nagesh Pai.
Who are Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s colleagues?
Some of Bernadette Chavira-Trull’s colleagues are Andrew Newby, Fredrick Whitt, Wendall Davis, Jason Carmack.
How can I contact Bernadette Chavira-Trull?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull contact details: Email address: b***@ua.edu Phone number: (205) ***-****
Who is Bernadette Chavira-Trull?

Bernadette Chavira-Trull is a Director at The University of Alabama based in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Previously, Bernadette was a Vice President at Independent College Bookstore Association....

Where is Bernadette Chavira-Trull based?
Bernadette Chavira-Trull works for The University of Alabama, located at United States