2021-present (4 years)
Benezon Lagutan Email & Phone number
Benezon Lagutan Current Workplace
2941 Lake Vista Dr, Lewisville, Texas, 75067, United States
Phone Number
(469) 948-9500
Number of Employees
Benezon Lagutan Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Average duration at a company (years)
5Number of job titles
4About Benezon Lagutan
Benezon Lagutan is a General Manager at Caliber Collision based in Lewisville, Texas.
Previously, Benezon was a Service Advisor at Caliber Collision and also held positions at GEICO, Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego.
Benezon received a Associate degree from Soutwestern Community College.
Benezon Lagutan Current Workplace
Caliber Collision
EVERYTHING WORKS IN PERFECT HARMONY.Caliber Collision didnt get to be one of the nations largest collision repair company by accident. Its taken an unyielding commitment to be the collision repair center of choice in every community we serve a vision that began when our company was founded in 1997 and continues strong to this day.To achieve this, were not just part of the collision repair industry. We lead it. Not only by setting new standards in customer service, but also by implementing cutting edge technology at every turn. This is how weve built a company with more than 460 convenient, state-of-the-art repair centers, and growing throughout Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington DC, & West Virginia. And why hundreds of thousands of people entrust their vehicles to us every year. So when you hand over your keys to us, youre taking the firsSee more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Benezon Lagutan
Benezon Lagutan is a General Manager at Caliber Collision based in Lewisville, Texas. Previously, Benezon was a Service Advisor at Caliber Collision and also held positions at GEICO, Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego. Benezon received a Associate degree from Soutwestern Community College....