Ben Ruli

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About Ben Ruli

Ben Ruli is an Indigenous Peoples Fellow at the UNDP Small Grants Programme. They hold a Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree from the University of Goroka. In their current role, they are responsible for advocating for the rights and interests of indigenous communities within the UNDP's development initiatives.Explore more

Ben Ruli Current Workplace

Since 1992, the GEF small Grants Programme has supported over 2,900 projects related to the protection and restoration of forests. Given that SGP is a firm believer of the importance of strengthening the efforts at grassroots to conserve and sustainably manage forests, the programme has supported community-based projects that protect over 13,000,000 hectares of forests from human and non human impacts, and has helped communities restore over 1,700,000 hectares of degraded forest worldwide. An example of the approach of SGP is the project "The Living Fence and the Jungle School: Protecting the Orang Rimba and their forest Home" from SGP Indonesia. This project supported the Orang Rimba (People of the Jungle), an indigenous community that resides in a forest in the Bukit Dua Belas National Park in Sumatra in their goal of strengthening the capacity of the Orang Rimba to protect the forest and conserve important biodiversity. Given their low level of literacy the community used participatSee more

Ben Ruli Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Indigenous Peoples Fellow

UNDP Small Grants Programme


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ben Ruli

What is Ben Ruli’s direct phone number?
Ben Ruli’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ben Ruli’s work phone number?
Ben Ruli’s headquarters phone number is +230 2135384
Which industry does Ben Ruli work in?
Ben Ruli works in the industry of Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Organizations.
Who are Ben Ruli’s colleagues?
Some of Ben Ruli’s colleagues are Fialua Monise, Maria Combi, Rafael da Silva, Biao Xiong.
Who is Ben Ruli?

Ben Ruli is an Indigenous Peoples Fellow at the UNDP Small Grants Programme. They hold a Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree from the University of Goroka. In their current role, they are responsible for advocating for the rights and interests of indigenous communities within the UNDP's development initiatives.... Read More

Where is Ben Ruli based?
Ben Ruli works for UNDP Small Grants Programme, located at United States
See more information about Ben Ruli

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