
Ben Ibtihel

Chargée De Clientèle at Biat

Ben Ibtihel Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Ben Ibtihel Current Workplace




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About Ben Ibtihel

Ben Ibtihel is a Chargée De Clientèle at Biat based in Tunis, Tunis.Explore more

Ben Ibtihel Current Workplace


2009-present (15 years)

Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie (BIAT) was established in 1976 by a group of investors composed of local institutions and individuals, and Arab and European banks, through the acquisition of the British Bank of the Middle East and Societe Marseillaise de Credit. Since then the bank has continued to expand, and is now the largest private bank in Tunisia. The bank is also considered the most sophisticated Tunisian bank, and is the countries leading customer-deposit collector. Historically, the bank has a strong involvement with domestic corporates and SME's, which is it now complementing with new developments in the consumer/personal banking arena. This development strategy should help the bank broaden its large deposit base, diversify its sources of income, reduce its average risk per customer and report higher profitability. Overall, BIAT enjoys a strong market franchise among its clients as evidenced by a stable market share of about 11% of loans and 15% of deposits over the paSee more

Org Chart - Biat


Chargée De Clientèle




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Ben Ibtihel

What company does Ben Ibtihel work for?
Ben Ibtihel works for Biat as Chargée De Clientèle
What is Ben Ibtihel’s role in Biat?
Ben Ibtihel’s role in Biat is Chargée De Clientèle
What is Ben Ibtihel’s email address?
Ben Ibtihel’s email address is i***@biat.com.tn
What is Ben Ibtihel’s business email address?
Ben Ibtihel’s business email address is i***@biat.com.tn
What is Ben Ibtihel’s direct phone number?
Ben Ibtihel’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Ben Ibtihel’s work phone number?
Ben Ibtihel’s headquarters phone number is +216 71131000
Which industry does Ben Ibtihel work in?
Ben Ibtihel works in the industry of Banking, Finance.
Who are Ben Ibtihel’s peers at other companies?
Ben Ibtihel’s peers at other companies are Salma Haroud, Timeri Trondle, Salma Ben Yahia, Nadia Horaifich, Abounnahr Zineb.
Who are Ben Ibtihel’s colleagues?
Some of Ben Ibtihel’s colleagues are Karim Zdiri, Meriem Ben Dahmen, Saif Mhamdi, Amira Soukni.
How can I contact Ben Ibtihel?
Ben Ibtihel contact details: Email address: i***@biat.com.tn Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Ben Ibtihel?

Ben Ibtihel is a Chargée De Clientèle at Biat based in Tunis, Tunis.... Read More

Where is Ben Ibtihel based?
Ben Ibtihel works for Biat, located at Tunisia
See more information about Ben Ibtihel

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