
Bea Sobel

Program Director at Thresholds

Bea Sobel Email & Phone number


(773) ***-****

Bea Sobel Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Bea Sobel Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Bea Sobel

Bea Sobel is a Program Director at Thresholds based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Bea was a Clinical Director at Lawrence Hall and also held positions at Beacon Therapeutic, OMNI Youth Services. Bea received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University Of Michigan.

Bea Sobel Current Workplace


2016-present (9 years)

Founded in 1959, Thresholds provides healthcare, housing, and hope for thousands of persons with mental illnesses and substance use disorders in Illinois each year. Through care, employment, advocacy, and housing, Thresholds assists and inspires people with mental illnesses to reclaim their lives. Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

Bea Sobel Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Clinical Director

Lawrence Hall


Clinical Manager

Beacon Therapeutic



OMNI Youth Services




Bachelor of Arts

University Of Michigan

Org Chart - Thresholds

Bea Sobel

Program Director

Intent on Bea Sobel's Company


Interest in Bea Sobel's Company

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bea Sobel

What company does Bea Sobel work for?
Bea Sobel works for Thresholds as Program Director
What is Bea Sobel’s role in Thresholds?
Bea Sobel’s role in Thresholds is Program Director
What is Bea Sobel’s email address?
Bea Sobel’s email address is b***@thresholds.org
What is Bea Sobel’s business email address?
Bea Sobel’s business email address is b***@thresholds.org
What is Bea Sobel’s direct phone number?
Bea Sobel’s direct phone number is (773) ***-****
What is Bea Sobel’s work phone number?
Bea Sobel’s headquarters phone number is (773) 572-5500
What is Bea Sobel’s latest job experience?
Bea Sobel’s latest job experience is Clinical Director at Lawrence Hall
What is Bea Sobel’s latest education?
Bea Sobel’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at University Of Michigan
Which industry does Bea Sobel work in?
Bea Sobel works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Bea Sobel’s peers at other companies?
Bea Sobel’s peers at other companies are Purvis Williams, Liz Perulli, Schevon Hendrick, Larry Perulli, Sammi Grossman.
Who are Bea Sobel’s colleagues?
Some of Bea Sobel’s colleagues are Joseph Shijo, Precious Wade, Christopher Austin, Patricia Griffin.
How can I contact Bea Sobel?
Bea Sobel contact details: Email address: b***@thresholds.org Phone number: (773) ***-****
Who is Bea Sobel?

Bea Sobel is a Program Director at Thresholds based in Chicago, Illinois. Previously, Bea was a Clinical Director at Lawrence Hall and also held positions at Beacon Therapeutic, OMNI Youth Services. Bea received a Bachelor of Arts degree from University Of Michigan....

Where is Bea Sobel based?
Bea Sobel works for Thresholds, located at United States